How To Use Sample Chains? (Happy Accidents!)

This is a pretty broad question and I’m not sure I have an exact answer. I would search “octatrack tips slicing”

Also, go through this post

My simple advice would be to make loads of different samplechains, or even slice samples manually, and then go to slice mode (fnc down to slices), hit record (record/play) and start hitting slices. Then mess with those slices by adding sample locks. I just play them, record them and see what comes out. As with most things OT related, curation is the key. You can have 64 slices, so choose your samples wisely. I like to do drum kits with synth hits, bleeps and noises sprinkled in here and there.
Get addicted to building samplechains from you sample collection, then hit record (record/play)and hit the keys. I have entire samplechains with different chords on them.

Download this program and start making your own now.