I don't want to sell my Digitakt but I do want an MPC One

I removed the screen protector after a few weeks and there´s no difference so it´s just the screen itself. Same with the keyboard for me, I have quite some typos in my folder and patch names because I type too fast and hit the enter button before spell checking haha. Just tap a tiny bit off of the letter and it doesn´t get recognized… I also have the Digitakt and the Live and enjoy both for different reasons. If I feel like programming a beat then the Digitakt is such a enjoyable playground to spark new ideas. If I feel like recording something live then the MPC is the better choice (even though I still don´t enjoy the pads as much as on the Maschine MK3/Mikro MK3). The MPC is also the brain of my setup and everything works without any hickups.


When did you put your order?

Friday before last.

Also the deck store, say they’re getting some in on The 20th.

If this is true, that’ll be huge. A hardware Ableton Live has been a dream of mine (and probably many others) for a long time! Even if it gets limited to 8 tracks in standalone mode, it will be amazing if it’s done well. Fingers crossed your source is on the money

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I was originally torn between the DT and Live, and ended up going with the DT.

I’m in one of those moods where I sort of want a change, so I’m considering either adding the MC-101 to go with the DT (nice compact synth/sampler setup) or waiting to see if the rumored MPC Live 2 gets released and perhaps selling the DT to go back to the MPC if it looks good.

I’m leaning towards just adding the MC-101 and keeping the DT, but I do see the appeal in the power/features that the MPCs offer and there is something really nice about just having one machine. I’m in no rush, so more just something fun to think about at the moment.

Cool I hope you like it!

I love being able to switch between keys and transpose my pattern as it’s playing. It creates a lot of room for interesting melodies and happy accidents.

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I’m a long time Digitakt user, and not that long ago picked up the MPC One for ambient/electronica music. IMO the MPC One can’t really match Digitakt’s workflow, but it’s pretty good! Where I think it destroys the Digitakt though is in the most important department - sound quality. The combination of stereo samples and decent FX just put it on a whole different level. Still I have some gripes, getting samples onto it is a bit of a pain, I wish I could just connect it via USB on the PC and have the internal HD show up, that would be perfect. Automation input/editing just doesn’t feel as fast and fluid as the Digitakt, and I often find myself forgetting how to do basic things, which on the Digitakt are never hard to remember even when I haven’t used it for a few weeks, but I feel this is mostly down to the One’s complexity. I linked my first track I did with it below, MPC One comes in around the 8 minute mark.


long time elektron user but i recently got the MPC One. definitely seems like the most modern workflow in terms of a hardware interface. having the touch screen is huge. it took a minute to figure out how projects, sequences, and tracks work but after watching a few youtube vids, everything is so immediate and easy. i do rely on samples more on the MPC but thats what it was made for and thats why I wanted it. I still plan on keeping my AR/A4 but i have a feeling if the MPC was available at the time the A4 came out, i would have went with the MPC. i do love the complex sequencing, modulation routing, and general sound design capabilities of my elektron machines compared to the MPC so they are a great combo


No need to sell one for the other.
Try saving up instead - it might be character building.


From personal experience of using an Mpc Live I found the fx to be really disappointing. The breadth and range was great but the quality of most of them was not to my liking. And that’s a deal breaker for a machine that I wanted to use completely standalone.

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The FX are definitely not as good as the VST stuff I have, for sure. But the AIR FX sounds pretty good to my ears and are miles better than the Octatrack FX I had been using.

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Yeah i’m all over the place as I prefer the OT’s fx.


Yep I think my title is misleading. I had no intentions of selling to be honest. I just did not want to make my DT redundant and after reading many opinions here I am even more convinced I should keep the DT and explore it’s functionalities as a synth, sample mangler, sampler, drum machine, fun jamming instrument that I can take anywhere.

I mostly wanted to see how the 2 would fit into my music making life.


Originally I was put off by the One’s lack of a battery, but now I’m starting to see it as a bit closer to a modern MPC1K, which is the machine I pretty much started out on, so it’s starting to look a lot more tempting.

A couple of questions:

(1) Can you plug something into the inputs on the back and use it as mini mixer, like you can on the DT? And, if so, can you apply FX, which the DT can’t do?

(2) How are people finding the lack of an internal hard drive for samples? Is the SD card fine in practice?

yeah, 2 line inputs which you can process with the fx.
i think just about everyone uses a sd card. i’ve got a 32gb with all my samples on. i’ll probably get a bigger card soon. you can write to the card when the mpc is plug in to a pc

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To further address:

  1. Yes, since you can monitor those inputs it works like a mixer in that regard.

  2. The SD card is great IMO. It’s actually a lot faster in workflow (at least IMO) than using the transfer app with the the DT since it’s one less thing to use. Very quick to move the card back and forth if needed. Also, don’t overlook the fact that you can plug in any USB based drive of any size as far I understand (haven’t tried 12TB for example).

Yeah I just keep a 64gb SD in there. My monitor has an SD slot so transferring files is a breeze. No need for proprietary apps or any of that. Exactly like the OT in that regard.

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Asked about this when hinted at picking up a Push 2 and the vibe was it’s being worked on, but not gonna be ready any time soon so I got a Push 2.

Having had the DT in the past, as damn good as it sounds I found it was a bit of a PITA for coming up with anything a bit more “structured” and tended to use it for interesting layers/textures etc. Although I’ve seen plenty of people dont seem to have that problem - it’s like they’re ninjas with lightning fast fingers!

From a workflow perspective, adding an mpc to that could definitely give you a lot more power/flexibility/etc if it’s used as the main brain with the DT as the crazy ass sidekick.


Is this based on anything or just speculation?