I finally solved and understand the LFO's

I don’t think this is the right way to think about it

The periodicity of change within a random ‘lfo’ is only 8 times as active as a regular LFO.

E.g. if a square wave LFO has two value states per cycle, over the same period (based on identical product of mult x rate ) a random LFO will have 16iirc different step changes. So to get the same period of change in value you reduce the product by a factor of 8

It never used to be truly random, back in A4 days, until I moaned about it, I’ll link the topic when I am off the phone

Secondly it’s MUCH better to think of LFOs in terms of phase (probably in degrees)

The cycle takes 360 degrees to repeat, (all except rnd) and the key phase points can be found by halving 27(128) down a couple of times so you find the noteworthy phase positions typically at multiples of 25(32)

This is phase, but the same paradigm exists for the timing of an LFO - it takes a product of speed*mult = 128 to complete a synced bar of 16 steps - so to make the LFO take 2 bars just halve the product etc

These magic numbers appear all over the Elektron interface - in DN Modulator delay envs in Delays and so on - they hook the useful values to these 2n positions by design - so to get an A4 to filter track (one of the filters) you set 32

here’s the phase visualised for a sin shape, multiples of 32 get you where you want as you spotted, but the origins are in the numbering being defined by all the binary building blocks

edit : LFO rates [& How random is random?]