I want an instrument which i can feel connected to

I won’t make specific suggestions per se, but more to suggest directions.

Since you like the piano, have you considered the Augmented Piano ? There is a world of possibility there and many great musicians have “lost” themselves in that exploration.

Look through the possibilities in the Alternative Keyboard thread. There are lots of possibilities there. Try to imagine each of these in your hands. Note things about these that might appeal to you and why they do. For instance how about the Fluid Piano ?

Andrew McPherson does some amazing work in this area, and he is primarily piano focused. I’m not so much thinking about his TouchKeys stuff, though that is in contention with the Osmose in expressivity. I’m thinking more of his Magnetic Resonator Piano. Take a look through any of these videos from a YouTube search i’ve prepared:


McPherson is also very much in line with people doing their own piano augmentation / exploration.

This has long been an interest of mine, so i might have other ideas, outside this “piano” realm. ( I’m a wind player too. ) I’m certainly interested in how you explore this.

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