I’ve never used a sample chain. But one of my biggest annoyances in working with the OT is to have this huge list of samples to run through, both in the audio pool and sample project. Like, I don’t know how people get the patience to make an entire set off the OT. I reckon that gets unwieldy quite quick(without chains, I mean)
I’m not understanding the difference between sample chains and sample streams, can someone clarify?
Sample segments of a chain are all exactly the same length. So that they can be divided exactly on the integer.
Like links of a chain are all the same.
Sample segments of a stream are not. They are more concise.
How do you guys create your sample chains?
Coyldnt you just sample live tweaking of parameters on a synth to use that as a wave table?
Anyone have suggestions on what to pair with the Digitakt for stereo samples and time stretching? If its a vintage sampler, something that I wouldn’t need to mod a CF card reader on and doesn’t take too much space.
An Octatrack of course.
Wavetable editor :
Good we can all sell our rytm’s now.
Do it!
Edit: oh. You’re not in the US and you don’t sell gear. NVM!
The beauty of the OP-1 sample chain format is that each slice is mapped to a key. Having to manually locate the sample then set the start/end point for each sample won’t be nearly as straightforward.
Agreed. Can’t compare Op1 slices with DT ‘streams’. Totally different sets of functionality. It’s one of the creative/fun things on Op1 (with random auto-slice points across a long sample or set points for ‘kits’ etc and being able to ‘play’ them, polyphonically if wish too). On DT it seems mostly just a tedious workaround to grab a single sample?
When Im dead.
Lots of unanswered questions with this device still… Or maybe these have been answered but I have missed those answers.
Has there been any information on how the MIDI tracks work? Can you create a sequence live by playing external midi keyboard while the track is playing?
Can you place note trigs on the MIDI track using external midi keyboard (like it works in Analog Four, pressing a step and notes at the same time)?
How does the chromatic playing mode exactly work? Are you able to set the scale or is it fixed to some scale?
It would also be nice to hear more about the pattern chain mode. Is it going to be designed so that the device could easily be used to create complete tracks by chaining patterns?
i cant wait for DT, looks like it might be my new desert island piece of gear. Still a few choices on it are a little strange.
So per project you have 256 patterns, but only 127 sample slots?
I guess most people see, or like to see a project as an album or full set of tunes. I know I do.
why only 127 sample slots for a whole set? that gets us all into workarounds again like sample chains just to make the DT work the way it sorta should.
for me my workaround will probably now just be treating a project as a single tune, or a few tunes max. So now a project is 1 tune, not a set.
I think the 12 mins 64mb sample time is workable for a full set but 127 sample slots for a whole project seems very small. especially when a project has 256 patterns, it’s like half a sample per pattern that’s a bit peculiar dontcha think?
more sample slots please
There, Octatrack’s sold now, table cleared for DigiTakt. Building a library of ideas with the Moog in the meantime and putting together a few sample packs to go.
I quite like the void, gives space for other ways to work with music while you’re waiting.
The most obvious way to return to a saved state right now, is to first copy the pattern before you mess around. Then paste pattern when you wanna recall.
The problem with returning to a saved state, I’m thinking, is how to determine what a “saved state” is. Is it when the project was last saved (which is not very flexible, or live friendly). Is it when the pattern was last loaded (which can potentially break things, if you’ve been working on the pattern for a while). Is there gonna be an automatic “save state” when you start controlling all, and then for how long will that particular “saved state” be memorised? Will a new “save state” happen moments later when you start “controlling all” again?
I think COPY/ PASTE pattern is a manual workflow that is worth getting into one’s head.
I know that problem on the machine drum … always remember to save your kit before you tweak
maybe elektron could invent something easier ? For example double tap the Trk Button (or holding it for 1 second) could generate some kind of saved state that can then be recalled by pressing Func + Trk !?
Surely they’re going to implement the tried and trusted reload pattern combo, no?
I’m just speculating here… What I immediately thought on that comment, was that they might be experimenting with the DT allowing the sample memory to fill up, no matter how many samples it takes to fill it up. If the DT is aware of how big each sample is, and is flexible with the memory allocation, there’s no real point in having an upper limit of number of samples allowed. (Just convenience for always having a fixed slot number in the sequencer format I guess). It could potentially just load in as many samples as there’s space for. I mean, there could still be an upper limit, for the pattern format to be consistent. Just a much higher limit.)
The OP-1 has fixed memory allocation at OS level, for instance. That’s why there’s a limit of samples. The Elektron boxes allow different lenghts, and stop you from overloading the sample slots once the memory is full already. So the Elektron OS should already be semi ready for this kind of stuff with not too much modification.
Do you guys think it will be feasible to make a finished track on this box?