i am … and if everything goes well I get additionally a nice sampler for free
yes you could have the same by using lot’s and lot’s of patterns - but as I’m refusing to us the song mode or chains (as those can’t be saved) cond. trigs are perfect to add variation, randomness and what not in just one pattern … that’s perfect for me and much, much easier to overview as a couple of patterns
That’s the worry. Who knows how long before OB is released and working well?
Great drum sampler in the meantime, but I crave those individual outs and the portable interface functionality.
hmm - gotta say I’m a little disappointed by what I’ve read in the DT manual…
The Master menu is clearly an afterthought, replicating what can be done elsewhere - changing track levels is hardly ‘mastering’ and why allocate a priority menu interface button for such a limited series of options? We’ve all seen the Cenk / Cuckoo SB17 video where he’s clearly hinting at something significant for the master button that he’s seen in development - otherwise why tease us with this?
Elsewhere Cenk suggests that other filter types will be available yet the manual merely suggests stock lo hi types as per what was shown previously.
In one SB17 video Cenk suggests that there will be new better faster ways to create songs from patterns, but clearly the pattern chaining ‘feature’ as described in the manual is unfinished - you can’t even save it to disc which seems bizarre for such an expensive product.
Cenk also thought we could have 256 samples per project yet the manual states 128 per project. You can see the general drift here…
The midi implementation seems good but it does seem a shame that you can’t send midi directly from the internal midi tracks to the internal sound tracks - which would give us some room to overcome the limitations of mono and only having one LFO per audio track.
And finally it seems clear that the paid for DT version of Overbridge is not yet ready at the DT’s launch which given the issues plaguing the history of Overbridge is a concern for potential buyers.
I wonder what happened, maybe the dev team got dragged off to the next Elektron product…
Sure it’s a boutique product and is priced as such - but at nearly 80% of the price of a 5 year old OT it seems to offer significantly less in terms of core functionality.
Personally, I want to have control of what I am playing instead of having patterns randomly play different sequences…
Be nice if the sample transfer code was made available on GitHub like Syro for the volca sample - or is it just midi sds?
What do you mean by the “paid version of overbridge”? Is the free version available? I was thinking there is no overbridge at all atm.
First time we see it sending midi notes to external gear (Erebus).
Sonicstate preview
edit: too slow
sorry, just saw it go up
randomly? You can control it very precise what you want. This hasn’t much to do with random .
“What happened” seems obvious in hindsight. Elektron was working on a new sampler/sequencer with a lot of cool features believing they were (still) way ahead of the game. Then they suddenly realized that Akai was presenting an extremely advanced sampler at a very fair price at NAMM. So, in shear panic they presented a mockup behind glass at NAMM which didn’t make a sound, in an attempt to prevent hoards of Elektron-users from immediately jumping ship (rumors were that the MPC would be relatively immediately available). Elektron had after all owned the cool-sound-gizmo-in-a-box market by themselves for many years now, but has been relying on their dedicated fans showing patience and understanding - even when delivering products with quirks, warts and lacking features at a premium price in an ever more “modular” fashion (“how 'bout an octatrack with that A4 so that you can actually sequence midi?”). But now someone was threatening the whole closed circuit philosophy, because why would anyone in their right mind buy multiple Elektrons when one single box does the same stuff and more - and even includes a 6 hour battery (!) AND at a lower price than one flagship Elektron? So now Elektron is racing against time, praying the MPC will have lots of bugs and frustrated users, while getting their by all standards lesser (except possibly the p-lock-feature) machine to market. Sorry if this seems like a rant, but this is really my impression. Maybe I’m wrong, and the Elektron “magic” will make this thing shine.
it was said in sooperbooth videos I think.
I don’t think product like this can be build so fast. They are probably working on that for more then 6 months before the announcement.
you might be right…
- I think the MPC is also a good machine
- I don’t want to change to MPC as I like and used to the elektron way
I miss some tracks on OT. An additional DT instead of an additional OT would be more compact, simplier, with conditionals, and a familiar workflow compared to Es2 or other gear.
My Future “compact” setup :
Elektron has only one real issue - I’ve said it before but I’m saying it again. It’s their communication strategy.
A defined communication strategy doesn’t imply that you have to tell your customers a lot of things all the time or keep them in the loop.
It only means that you’re clear on what you’re saying, where and at what point.
I believe the frustration for some - not all - around the Digitakt, Overbridge and other things, don’t relate to what these tools can or can’t do, even if that might appear to be the case.
It relates to contradicting information. It gets the shape of people lamenting on lack of features and such, but the core issue is not what the Digitakt can or can’t do. It’s the inconsequential way it’s communicated, that creates these endless threads on master features, song modes and whatnot.
This happens when different sources say different things, and no clear voice from Elektron that can control this flow and just say it like it is - and in such a scenario, saying “We are not yet ready to reveal information on this”, is a perfectly valid instrument in a strategy.
But it remains frustrating that various staff members in various forums - videos, forums, facebook pages and private messages - simply state things that appear to contradict.
This isn’t as obvious if you’re inside Elektron, cause when you are, you know what’s coming, you know the reasons why some things get delayed and some don’t, and you know the daily struggle of resources versus release plans, time to market versus quality, and so on. Inside Elektron, you know you’re making the right calls for the end user. We, the users, can’t pretend to know the challenges you face on a daily basis.
But we can respect it and understand it, if you communicate with confidence.
I’ll say it again - get your communication act together, Elektron. Get a singular voice to say it like it is. It’s okay to say that you’ve got nothing to say. But enough with these contradictions. Whenever someone from your staff says something, you essentially create a contract with your audience that gives them expectations that you need go meet - not fulfill, necessarily, but meet. If you put a gun on the desk in the first frame, you better fire it before the end credits.
If you’re not reading your audience by now, realising that even when you sneeze, you create interest, you’re playing with their confidence. You can’t keep that up forever.
We appreciate the enthusiasm and passion of your people, but clearly they can convey their skills and love for the instrument without creating all these diversions at the same time.
I would also have preferred Elektron, had the Digitakt been close to giving equal bang for the buck, but I just don’t see that happening. I was even prepared for way less features, just to have the whole p-lock thing. But I HAVE to have a functioning song mode to fit it into my work flow. For others this is obviously not an issue, and I am sure they will have lots of fun with it and create interesting things.
What contradictions?
I didn’t mean that they built it from the ground up after NAMM. I meant that it was in developement , but far from being finished.