- for bitter boyz. let’s put out an album of bitter morning tracks
Cenk will be doing a couple Digitakt performance videos soon, i expect; he usually does a couple when Elektron releases a new product. [He may need a break first, i’m sure he’s been burning under a lot of deadline pressure.] Looking forward to this, as i expect he’ll have a battery of midi modules hooked up, now that the midi part is working. Cenk is great, as his older Machinedrum with Monomachine video [recently linked here] shows.
Will be interesting to see how Cenk configures this. Sequenced external midi(s) is an exciting other-side to the Digitakt. It will also be interesting to see how he handles the audio paths, particular if he has two or more external midi synths or effects hooked up. I expect a little internal sampling in live performance too. But can external sampling be performed musically in a live performance? I wonder.
Also looking forward to when someone plays the Digitakt, as a synth module [Appendix A], with a keyboard controller – like maybe Cuckoo. Or Nick Batt might do something simple. Combining sequences with played voices would be interesting, Digitakt has plenty of voices, especially with the separate p-locked voicings.
ditto. as mentioned - a midi footswitch will be key i think. lets hang tight and see what we can sort out.
“its a long story, but a date was sent out yesterday but their mail server crashed so we didnt get the email. As it was intended to allow other publishers to have content ready. So we did the honourable thing…
I should add that this video is in preparation for them coming to us…”
Someone still has their own mail server? Most companies have moved to cloud.
Now it is showing up in tracking with a delivery date of tomorrow. Yay!!
I ordered the DT expecting to take advantage of OB Premium. Is it true that isn’t available until “later this year”? Very disappointed if so. This would be my first Elektron piece but if no OBP, I may just wait. That was a big selling point for me.
Same… boring. That snippet of news is on the download page for overbridge. No idea why the main pages don’t make that clearer.
do you have your own section here in the forum? /t ? LOL
Did Nick talk about this on his SonicTalk show today? Or is this a written response he put out…
I’m assuming Elektron wants all reviewer to be able to release their videos on the same day some nobody gets exclusive treatment???
Hello I’m posting this from February (it’s really great back here, the fun I’m having, the fun you had), anyway sorry if this been talked about in the future.
I do hope Elektron can squeeze in support for sample frequencies below 48/44.1khz as well as 12 bit support. Those crunchy lofi drums and sounds won’t create themselves. The above tip is a good one, and a great tip for people who…well didn’t know. The Korg Volca Sample is 12 bit 33.something khz, with 4mb of memory. Needless to say, you gotta prepare them samples properly before loading them on the Volca. A very useful trick is to pitch up the samples in your sample editor before loading them onto the volca, and pitch them back down on the volca. This can greatly expand the amount of samples you can fit, but at the cost of losing frequencies. It works like in the quoted post, so it’s a trick that works better on some material, like drumloops or drum one shots, and other sample material where you don’t mind a bit of extra crunchiness.
I have way too many cratedigging loops that I’ve collected thruout the years. I better start pitching them all up, I’m about to reach April back here…
A written response he put out
I’m still trying to get my head around a few things. There are a couple of things I was looking for in the manual. I didn’t see much on sample editing capabilities. I’m hoping samples can at least be truncated (trim start/end points) to save memory.
Also, I’d like to know more on choke groups. Basically, how do I setup which samples choke other samples (like high hats)? How many choke groups are there, etc?
If anyone can point me to the manual references I’d appreciate it.
Edit: Mods: would it be better to have a different thread about using the Digitakt? I’m sure a lot of us Elektron noobs will have lots of questions about basic functionality when these boxes start arriving.
You mean live sampling? Cenk at Superbooth said the incoming sample is held in a buffer, then you can trim as desired and load to a pad, that sound would then be saved to one of the 2048 slots I’d imagine.
If you have a sound already on the DT via USB or transfer, I doubt you can then trim it in the box. But you can obviously only play the parts you desire.
That is my understanding from various videos.
Yeah. I’m talking about sampling into the box. Thanks.
Yeah to save costs I think it is really only a sample playback device and not able to do full on editing like a DAW unless as mentioned previously you are working in the buffer as line from source sampler. HOwever a source is the DT itself, so you could record the sample back into the buffer, trim it and delete it, So yeah basically you can.
it does not look like there will be choke groups?
workaround would be to have one channel for hi hats and plock to change the sample between closed and open hat in the different steps?
I am assuming each track has a polyphony of 1 otherwise the above will not work,
Yeah, I don’t think you really need them. Tracks are mono and p-locking your sample should be totally fine.
I’ll probably use 4 tracks for all my drums and 4 tracks for other stuff
A user folder structure, Elektron. I swear to God I’ll reroute my vacation to Göteborg if I can’t organize my samples by folder. I’ll find you and…I’ll throw fish and potatoes on your windows. And booze.
(Pls moar samples as well, I fill up 100 slots on the Volca and still got memory left. Por favor! 1gb is a lot of memory, just saying!