because if you have the full 16 steps playing but you only want to emphasise a 3/4 beat then it wouldn’t cycle correctly, so your track length would need to be divisible by 3 (e.g. 12)
the conditional trigs just determine whether a trig is played or not, depending on the condition.
you cannot use them to randomize or change specific values…
for dynamically modulating timing, it’s probably best to use a sample which has a bit of silence at the beginning, then use an LFO to randomly (or not randomly) change the sample start point, so the silence bit becomes longer or shorter…
you can kind of use a condition instead, but only for conditionally choosing between 2 pre-determined timing values:
- put down 2 trigs, right next to each other.
- lets say the left one is ‘on time’.
- use microtiming to shift the right trig far to the left, so it’s close to the other trig, but lagging.
- dial in some probability condition for the first trig, e.g. 50%.
- use the !PRE (not previous) condition on the other trig.
now, the trig which is on time will fire with a 50% chance. the second trig fires only if the first trig didn’t fire.
(trying the conditional timing thing on the Analog Rytm right now… yep, sounds like a rookie drummer )
I may be missing something here about kits, but i copied a pattern and then cleared the sequences so it saved the kit info? Sorry if I am not getting the issues with kits!
So I loaded a bunch of samples to my DT using the transfer app. Went fine and I can access them when I press the settings button and go into samples. However, when I press the sound browser knob it says the +drive is empty. I’m confused…
Samples and Sounds are not the same thing.
Sounds are in the sound browser.
Samples are on the + Drive.
So is the MIDI controlling side of it functional at all yet?
I’m v. curious about
-whether you can use the buttons as a chromatic MIDI keyboard
-whether the control knobs might be assignable to different CCs on different MIDI channels
I assume the MIDI options will be decent at some point, given it has a MIDI thru port!
Any idea why projects are limited to 128 samples? Shouldn’t it be a much higher number provided the combined file size is less than 64 mb?
feature request: please add an outline to the manual so we can select the chapters in PDF viewers
I see. So to get the samples into the sound browser they have to be saved as sounds? Also, are none of the sounds in the presets saved into the sound browser?
Yes to the first question.
As I don’t have one, I cannot answer the second question.
Yeah man unhappily time divisions are global (like A4/AR), not per track (OT)
Exactly, from the manual: “A pattern contains up to eight
sounds (one for each audio track), sequencer data like trigs and parameter locks. It also contains the
settings on the TRIG page and BPM, length, swing and time signature settings.”
Wait so if I plock additional sounds it doesn’t save them!! So if I have eight sounds per track for example
Elixir! How fun.
Thanks for info. So you have your plain, regular ‘samples’ and you have your sample patches saved as ‘sounds’ right? Each in different folders on the +drive. Does it duplicate the sample used for a ‘sound’, so it’s in both places/using twice as much disk space? Or just refer to the original sample?
it just references the samples, then copies them into ram when you load a project.
it doesn’t play samples off the plus drive, that’s just for storage.
Cool My main hangup with op1 is the way it duplicates the reference sample per patch and no truncate, memory on OP1 is small as it is…
Ok, so it seems the DigiTakt relates to sounds within patterns like the Electribes and the Novation Circuit.
This is a step back from Elektron’s brilliant concept on kits - that just needed better execution, not termination. Even the Electribes can copy sounds separately from one pattern to another, to maintain consistency between patterns which use the same batch of sounds over a chain of sequences.
I’m gonna assume there’s an update that implements the next step in this, where you don’t have to go all messy like in the A4, but still stick to the simple idea of one kit supporting multiple patterns.
But it is what it is. I’m also gonna expect this to never happen. You gotta enjoy the instrument for what it is on day one, and not create further dependencies on what Elektron might or might not do.
Tsk…all the videos and info drip-feeding thru makes waiting even worse. Still no info from GuitarGuitar regards my pre-order other than expected end May. I reckon they sending their first batch to those who payed in full up front. I was going for the Deluge instead, but theres something about the DT that has kept me from cancelling…the wait goes on