Introducing Digitone II

No one here knows anything like that, and Elektron does not announce batch releases.

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Superb! :slight_smile:

Are people participating in the OB beta allowed to shed some light on how itā€™s working? Iā€™m gassing hard to sell some gear to get this but wouldnā€™t want to wait for the OB for too long. I also have some concerns regarding the CPU usage compared to OB with DN1 as I have pretty old computer. Probably DT2 OB users could shed some light on that part at least? Could I just 4x the old DN OB instance and track count to see if my CPU can handle it with as low buffer size (128) that I like to use to track other synths in DAW with decent latency

Perhaps you could answer @BlankFlagā€™s question above, then

Burnā€¦ I would still like to know how demanding itā€™s for the CPU and if I could simulate it by duplicating the old OB instance :slight_smile: My only reason to upgrade my PC is to use DAW so wouldnā€™t want to use money on that just yet if it can be avoided. If it canā€™t then I probably should upgrade my PC first.

I understand your wishes, but itā€™s a new DT2 architecture and who knows what they are doing to Overbridge in responseā€¦ I doubt that simulation will be of much use, the curve is unlikely to be a linear extrapolation of 0 and 4. My guess is that DN2 will restock before OB for DN is released, but no one really knows.

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Itā€™s in stock around here. I have my doubts about the linearity as well. Most likely I will be fine seeing I have some drum samplers, extra sends, and drum racks in my default template that I could delete.
I will just bite into g.a.s. and order it, as I would eventually anyways.


Crunchy Kick Design Heaven! I was manually changing Noise Decay during this.


Agreed with @sezare56 on the last measure being a bit off, but how sweet is the melody. Very inspiring to write something minimal. How did you program it?

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Check the preset project, pattern h16 :wink:
Please record your own version and drop it here, cause I donā€™t see what you donā€™t like ^^

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The question is whether this irritation was intentional. As it occurs towards the end of the piece, I am inclined to believe so.


Nice find! Lullaby goes awry, just a hint of menaceā€¦

You removed the very element that made it cool (imo) :upside_down_face:


Sorry. But I felt better after. :content:

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Ah. Nice jam on this.
But Iā€™m with @garf and the original composer ^^
I love alterations for the imbalance they bring, that here calls for a reboot of the sequence.


they explain in this video that 32 transients can be cleanly selected by using func + c encoder in intervals of 4

any values in between these will be an adjustable mix between the two neighboring transients

thatā€™s awesome, is that in the manual?


Just ordered one from Sweetwater. Be here tomorrow smh.


I wish theyā€™d add a sample chopping shortcut feature like this to DT2.


62 actually. Can be used as a drum kit :
Digitone II Tips & Tricks - #18 by sezare56


Anyone know if you can do ghost sidechain ducking with the compressor?
Perhaps via the routing menu?

Asking for a friend :wink:

Yes, if you remove the trigger track from the main audio output. I think.