Introducing Digitone II

I have a question…working on a tune in my DN2 at the moment…for for one pattern I just want page 3 (of 8) to loop for the full 8 bars…so I’ve tried copying that page and pasting it onto every other page, but I can’t make it work. Am I missing something? I’m sure I’ll be a bit embarrassed by the answer, but I want to finish this tune more than I care about that :slight_smile:

In the page menu: track length 48 steps and pattern reset 128 steps


Edit to correct: I misunderstood the question, I thought you’d loop the first 3 pages in a 8 bar sequence. So instead you want to loop only the 3rd page for the whole 8 bars.

You can page loop only the 3d page via page loop, or copy that page to the first page and set track length to 16 and pattern reset to 128 (if you need to keep that in sync with the other tracks that goes up to 8 bars)

Although coping that page in every of the 8 total pages should work as well, like you tried.

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I kinda like the G#, unexpected splash of minor.

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I really appreciate he help!..I went another direction with the tune, but I would love to sort this out…if the display shows that I’ve copied page 3 on all the other pages, it seems like that should work, but…

Just tried this method and it worked perfectly, thanks! I still don’t get why my original way didn’t work for me, but it’s likely a dumb oversight on my part!

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First night down with the Digitone 2 and I must say wow! I was already impressed by the FM tone machine with all the added functionality but goddamn those new machines are bonkers as well. So many new modulation options. I didnt understand before how deep these new machines were (1, 3 and 4 pages deep! I thought they were 1-2). Even minimal adjustments affect the sound so these cover ton of timbres. And all the noise shaping options! SRR, BRR, OD routing!

Im buzzing left and right with a completely new sound palette. Mad respect for Elektron


Question: are the DN1 standard presets also in the DN2 ?
Or are they all complete new ones?

No, Dn2 has new presets but you can import the old ones

Great, because i renamed mine and dont want to have them duplicate

Is there an official DL for them? What is Elektron’s stance on making them available to the public?

There were two banks of presets in DN1. DNK kept one of these and introduced one new bank. The three banks were available to anyone who had registered a DN1 or DNK, via their Elektron account. However, two things happened: DN2 was released without the ability to deal with .syx yet (the downloads from Elektron were in .syx format), and Elektron revamped their website and past purchases are still not accessible. Right now, only DN1/DNK presets in .dnsnd format can be loaded onto DN2. Hopefully that changes soon.


Thanks for writing the long answer for me, I was about to start writing :grinning:

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A simple question for owners of DNII:
demos on are demo patterns in DNII?
Thnk you

When I heard them a few months ago they were different to the factory patterns


I’m interested in a demo called Digidoom with heavy distorted tones and how It Is made

wanted to share this jam from yday here as well the sound source is all DNII, it’s can make some incredibly pretty sounds


Nice, that has very a classic DX FM pad in it. I’ve actually been having trouble replicating that kind of sound so it’s good to hear that it’s definitely possible

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You can see what I’m doing and the pages. It’s one track, no Master Overdrive:


Rad. Sounds like SUNN O))).

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Thank You <3
Do You think new machines will be added as well?

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