Introducing Syntakt

They are then mono. I’ve made a request that they add the stereo panning information back “on the other side” when generating the wave files on the computer, it would save you from lots of double work and wouldn’t require more bandwidth over USB. But as of today, it doesn’t do it.

As a workaround, when recording into the DAW, you can assign only specific tracks to either the analog fx block or the mains out, which are both stereo outs. So, if you’ve carefully p-locked panning on, say, a percussion track, you could send only that to the mains out and would then get a stereo print for that track only, while all other tracks (including even the percussion track itself if you want) are printed as mono.

thank you for your answer and suggestions.

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Is that you?


Yep, Catenation.


Lacoste edition :crocodile:


So great. 🥹


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Let’s recreate the classics:
Second Phase (Joey Beltram): Mentasm
Human Resource: Dominator
Art of Noise x The Prodigy: Instruments of Darkness
Moby: Go
Interactive: Who is Elvis
The Hypnotist: Hardcore You Know the Score
Misteria: Who Killed JFK
The Prodigy: Everybody in the Place (Fairground Remix)
Ultimate Seduction

You just posted 6 Non-Syntakt videos into a Syntakt thread :stuck_out_tongue:

However, this is for you:

(damnit needs more glide …)


Thanks to you - now it’s only 5 (ST-unrelated) left :nerd_face::smiley::grin: Thank you so much! :smiley::star_struck::+1::+1::+1:

You’re right. Got carried away. Moby is more for the DX. And Instruments of Darkness for DT. Cut these out. :wink:

actually Moby is no problem with the Syntakt, Swarm for the strings, Chord for the little stab/pluck …
Mentasm / Dominator - did plenty of Hoovers already on the Syntakt, like …

(just a sketch)


Ahaha that is so damn ridiculous

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fucking hell, involuntary smile on the bus :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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Holy shit that was really great.

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@Jeanne what kind of dark magic sound design god are you exactly? The original uses orchestral samples and somehow you made this box sound exactly the same?

We are unworthy.


@Jeanne certainly knows how to rinse the hell out of Elektron boxes. The Syntakt stuff has been utter fire. :exploding_head:


If it wasn’t for that track sound demo at the end of the video, I’d have figured there’s an Amiga 500 stuffed inside one of those nearby animals.


Spent the last couple of months revisting the world of DAWs, but recently got back to the Syntakt. It’s a very special instrument.

Thank you for designing this machine Elektron, I think it’s becoming my all time favourite :love_letter: