Intuitive Instruments Exquis MPE + CV controller and app

And the Exquis might become another Tonnetz capable keyboard.

What i PMed to bruno.intuitive above was a very short explanation of the Tonnetz arrangement of notes. Interesting how close the Exquis is to this system. The three axis on the Exquis are minor third, major third, semitone. The axis with theTonnetz are minor third, major third, perfect fourth. It turns out if you flipped the direction of the minor third to the major third relative to each other on the Exquis you’d get the Tonnetz.

The reason anyone would want a keyboard with a Tonnetz arrangement is because of it’'s very practical use in music composition and music theory, which gets touched on in the Tonnetz thread i just started. The Tonnetz clusters musically relevant chords and triads close around each other. in a specific arrangement

There are some good music theory course videos around the Tonnetz in the first post of that thread.

Both key arrangements are isomorphic.