Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

That’s strange. I can’t see a single Mk2 for less than £825. I often wounder how much of what’s on eBay we each see - like there’s some strange algorithm going on.


Patience my boy.



You must know me better than that by now!


Both was my goal. Digitone has been with me a year and it’s the only synth on my “here for good” list.

A4 up next.


Yup MkII A4s are going for around £700, mainly grey ones.

I missed a black one for £750 by minutes yesterday.

Where?!? I don’t get it?

Go in the filters and check completed items


This is what sold me on the A4, long ago


I did exactly that :slight_smile:


The ones that sit there are the ones asking too much.

The completed listings shows the prices they’re selling for. Although I think the best offer accepted aren’t specific about the exact sale price, just less than the struck through price.


I’ve been thinking about the lack of sub-oscillator volume control. Maybe they didn’t implement it because page one is already full for osc 1 and 2. But there is room to add it to the second page of oscillator 1.

Maybe this will be added in a future firmware, as it’s a common complaint. But it might not be possible to change it if it’s fixed in the hardware.

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Example using the Filter Feedback :

I agree. Made this last night (with some extra Modulations) :

Edit : I forgot to mention that this is only 1-Voice of the A4


The A4 is not what I expected at all but I am happy I have one. Those kicks just slap so hard. Add some Heat and oof pure bliss. While people get tied up on the 4 voices I often just use two and have a blast. We all know the sequencer is bananas.

Yep… enough has been said but I also wish there was more content on YouTube compared to DT/DN/OT.

Rytm has the same problem. I would assume price point vs capabilities. OT can do a lot so the price is more “worth” it, therefore it’s more popular…

Odd paradox when people spend a lot on a monosynth (to be fair very different purpose but still…)


Sounds really great, it’s incredible the timbres that can come from this thing and even more incredible that it’s just one voice :slight_smile:


I like to work with only 1-Voice and get the most out of it. I often do this with the Vermona PERfourMER.


The concept of Kits is the biggest difference I guess.
Songmode and Performance mode are not featured in the DN.
Most of the other features should be quite familiar

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Ah yes the kits thing. There’s no Control All either is there? It’s Performace knobs instead.

I remember the voice allocation for polyphony being different too

Actually I’m gonna go rewatch @Eaves amazing video comparing the two.

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The 2 LFOs can each have 2 targets, the two additional envelopes can each have 2 targets (filter env is tied to filter but has 2 others, user is not tied to anything but has 2, in both with independent depths)


Sorry if my post took us off topic. Please carry on.

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