Last stand

Yes for the time being just to add extra tracks, outputs etc.
Hopefully soon i’ll start looking into a more elaborate setup.

OT = SP1200
this video sums up nicely what the OT can do and much more, with much greater control and flexibility than the AR with digital files. Instead of posting an OT video demonstrating this, I will post this as it sounds fucking fantastic off the camera mic and is not electronic/dance music. I still am stubborn in thinking that Elektron based the OT around this wonderful piece of hardware.

AR = 808/909 + can play samples… no shit it will beat the OT in building percussion rhythms from scratch when there is no need to source your sounds correctly and can do EVERYTHING with no external sources if you so please. but IMO to make complete songs with vocals, live recorded elements etc. the OT will always be necessary - and by nature will be more complex. I see the immediacy of the AR similar to how Gerald gets going with the SH-101 and the 808 in tandem.

so yea in closing, a true master will use both and take advantage of both units’ strengths. Not dismiss one against the other when they serve and were designed with a different purpose in mind.


I will add to this that the analog voices, ability to loop very short sections of samples through analog distortion & filters, modding with lfos and routing through FX make the AR a pretty decent synth too.[/quote]
perhaps, but I can think of a ton of other synths I would rather have if that is what I was after…they aren’t all expensive either

I will be using the AR as an advanced analog drum machine and I will be doing synth duties on other synths (i.e. the A4, etc etc). :slight_smile: