Let me suggest a different approach:
- the only theory stuff you REALLY need to know is the basic chord shapes. I. e. major chord = 1-3-5, minor chord = 1-b3-5, M7 = 1-3-5-b7 and which keys this means to press on the piano.
- then print yourself a sheet with the circle of fifths and the corresponding minor keys.
- Get a free app like Ultimate Guitar, where you have millions of chord progressions for a lot of songs.
- Learn to “play” your favorite songs there with the piano and sing along. Playing here REALLY only means stupidly press the chord keys on every down beat like someone strumming a guitar really badly
- Check the Circle of fifths sheet to see how the chords of the songs relate to each other in a geometrical shape.
- Quite soon, you’ll realize which chords work together and that these progressions mostly mean only changing one single note to move from one chord to the next.
- You’ll also discover that it doesn’t need crazy progressions to make a good song. Most songs rely on the same few progressions more or less, but it’s the combination of chords, rhythm and a great melody that makes a song unique.
- Finally, you’ll find that your habit of listening to music makes it quite easy to improvise with your voice over these progressions! Just let it flow and you’ll soon find cool melodies you can develop to new songs!
That’s it!