Dang it! I thought I was being clever with my reference only to find out that you beat me by 2 hours
All tracks produced exclusively on …
Ahhh Moog Audio. They have a lot of my euro rack dollars <3
Pizza Hut presents …
Well at least we know it’s probably not some sort of video device, given it is debuting on the radio
Yeah it’s probs def a half digi half analog drum machine as per the label, digi size. With the analog element adding to the price (as well as the clean boost)
If this machine has clean boost and freely assignable LFOs i will never trust the authenticity of this forums memes ever again
If I remember right, you did some of the factory patches for the Model Cycles and so on that basis I’m attaching an unhealthy level of importance to this comment!
The crew over at Elektron Syntakt Trademark Speculations must feel like such fools, now that THIS thread is the towering epicentre of knowledge and insightful speculation.
3250 posts and we just swoop in and steal the cream in the last hour
Haha, sadly both of my connections to Elektron have since left the company, so I’ve had no further offers or inside info
I’m so ready to be disappointed
Thought I was listening to it already but apparently not Geez.
Internet radio is wierd. I was thinking “EDT” was “EST”…
When does the Elektron thing actually start?
If they are keeping to the box types, it’s definitely a Digi.
Very modular sounds. I don’t think Elektron will ever go modular proper, but digital modular boxes (eg Zoia et. al) have come a long way.
DAMN. Can’t Elektron pay for a little extra bandwidth for the forum when they make a product announcement.
Or DID you?
@pselodux knows what the product is! Get him!
All I can say is, Monomachine users will be absolutely livid.
1.5 hours. 11:00 AM EST your time.
This radio makes me think syntakt will be a saxophone!