Thanks, so I would need a USB MIDI box (powered) and the Boppad, I suppose it will be powered by that USB.
Do you know a USB MIDI host that could help me with more uses than that? Maybe more USB and MIDI ports, etc.
Really, MIO4 would be my choice if I hadn’t an iConnectMIDI4+
4 pairs of MIDI IO + 16 USB ports is a lot
Plug and play, and then you forget it in its corner.
Needs a USB hub to plug all your MIDI USB hardware.
I even believe you can connect your computer through WiFi.
That sounds very good…
Super happy mio10 owner here. Iconnectivity stuff is really nice.
A post was split to a new topic: Blokas Midihub
I just got a Boppad, and I already bought an iConnectMIDI4+ (was impossible to find a MIO4).
I hope I can try it with the Digitone and the Octatrack (I think with OT won´t be very good due to it´s lack of velocity, but maybe I can match Boppad´s velocity to OT´s Vol or something).