Loop PIPO... Anyone cracked it?

Hi, PIPO shows us as a 1. loop option in the flex and static SRC setup views, and 2. in the in the main Pickup view under “DIR”.

I can’t find much in the manual or online about these 2 features. Would someone be willing to give a detailed overview of these 2 feature instances? This would help me but also clock this on the forum for others.

Thank you!

PIPO = pingpong.
= if its looped, it plays to the end then plays in reverse then loops ad infinitum.

I almost never use this function.

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It’s cool for droning over a short waveform (or portion of a sample).
Or looping an ambient background.

Avoids clicks over looping, as toggling reading direction doesn’t introduce bumps in the waveform. All the more for a stereo sample!


Really useful feature indeed to avoid clickiness of sample !

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it’s really content and phase dependent whether one looping method is better than another … e.g.

In the audio editor when using a stereo file you can visually focus on both, the left or the right channel, with the CHANGE VIEW option.
Question: when you use zero crossing (or any other tools for that matter), does it still apply to both channels, or only the channel you’ve selected to see?

It truncates to the length of the visible side, so in the vast majority of cases it will be at a zero crossing on a single side of a stereo file only

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