From that search there are a few related topics - is it just the “One” topic which is redundant or are there more from the selection below or that (or other) search
I have no horse in the MPC race so product understanding is exactly zero wrt making calls
I figured I’d publish my conclusion at least here, which I consider to be a safe place. Not always calm, but always safe
The MPC One is a bit of an enigma to review, because your opinion on it will depend on your relationship with its legacy. That’s not to say you need to be familiar with the MPC line, to appreciate the One. Even if it’s your first MPC, you might very well love it. Maybe. We’ll get to that as I prepare to close.
If you’ve been on the MPC workflow for…
Hello nauts.
I got bored and had a 150 dollars lying around that needed some burning. I decided to upgrade my MPC element license that came with my MPD232.
This daw/ groove software is Very bare minimum but you do get MPC groove at 96 PPQN and 960PPQN. Did I mention you have realtime control of swing like the MPC4000?
Let me know what features you would like me to dig into. I’ll post articles that I think will help users just getting into 2.0.
This is an article you can use to setup your MPK…
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