MIDI Plays Free tracks won't play 'Direct'

“Funny”, I tried to control them with midi tracks today. What are the issues ? (Except Quantize)

I found something interesting today : with plays free tracks, in hold mode, you can latch them pressing Rec (grid recording mode), like for time delay in delay control mode.

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So Midi tracks set to plays free CAN now be trigged with quant setting ‘direct’?! That’s great!

Wait, Elektron fixed this and didn’t announce it?!

For anyone wondering. This is a powerful feature - try it! but previously it was broken leading to much convoluted discussion and trial and error head scratching. As here:


What OS version do you have? If this is a 1.30d change I’ll be sad.


Why sad?

Isn’t D the mystery one they ship with new units, and no one knows what it has over C? Or am I out of date on that?

nothing feature wise at all afaicr - so should behave identically to C

thanks for sharing, but this thread will likely be merged with the original for obvious reasons

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yeah i get the merge but wanted to share the good news more high profile. It amounts to a fun new feature to play with.


Because I have a MKI, so if it was a fix in D I’d have to wait for it until whenever Elektron puts D out for the MKI.

This is where I first came across it & some details about what used to happen

Seems trig quant ‘1’ has been fixed too!

If I recall that was broken across the OS wherever trig quantising occurs…

how weird of Elektron not to say


IIRC, it was working with 1.25E. At least 1 step quantize, which I prefer. Not 100% sure, I was triggering recorders with Free Play midi tracks (Hold mode), and playing recordings with Free Plays audio tracks (Hold mode, 1 step quantize too). Different length quantized recordings on the fly. :loopy:

Yes exactly the sort of thing that makes this feature so good!

Pretty sure I tested at 30bpm with s multiplier of 1/8 and couldn’t get it to fire on the next trig. Can my timing be that bad!? :aw:

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I know this is an old topic, but has the issue been fixed?

Because on my Octa II (OS 1.40A) this issue seems to be still there. I have disconnected MIDI tracks with trig quantization set to DIRECT, but triggering the tracks with buttons 9 to 16 will only play step 1 and then stay on step 1 (sequencer is running).

Yes, changing trig quant. from DIRECT to e.g. 1/16 will help - but that is not really the same as DIRECT. So the bug is still there?

Can anyone confirm or has any news?

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@brainpump It seemed working correctly last time I used it with Direct, a couple of weeks ago. Not 100% sure.

Can’t check for a few days…

Thanks @sezare56. In parallel I have created a support ticket (#56909). But no response by now. Keep you posted …

Yep, I’m interested in testing again in a couple of days.

I have some more important details. The unexpected behavior only occurs with SCALE MODE per TRACK.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create new project
  2. Change to MIDI
  3. Add random midi trigs to track 1
  4. Set scale mode to PER TRACK (<-- important)
  5. Set PLAYS FREE to yes for track 1
  6. Set TRIG QUANT to DIRECT for track 1
  7. Start sequencer
  8. Hit T9 to trigger track 1 (as starting the sequencer has no effect because of PLAYS FREE)
  9. The yellow light should advance from 1 to 16 - but it does not: it stays on T1




Feels like an old nemesis back. I guess it was never properly fixed. I was stoked it seemed to be working though I always wondering why it wasn’t announced as fixed

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Update: Elektron support has confirmed that this is indeed a bug. They can reproduce it and their developers are informed.

Keep fingers crossed that a fix will make its way into the next firmware upgrade.



Is there any progress on this issue? I just had this idea with the free direct play of the midi but was very disappointed to find out that it doesn’t work with midi :frowning:

I guess you gonna have to wait for a firmware upgrade.