Mild 'rample' envy

I kicked around this idea after I got hold of a midihub a couple weeks back. Just tried it out, works pretty well! Lots of potential. Essentially:

  • MIDI channel (eg 1) on OT into midihub
  • use ‘dispatcher’ pipe to send each sequential note to a different (virtual) MIDI channel
  • insert CC#17 (playback param #2 STRT/SLC) after NOTE ON
  • using virtual IO, make a separate pipe for each channel, and scale the CC message (127 / 16)
  • remap the channels to an output channel (eg 2)

What this allows you to do is play notes on an OT MIDI channel to trigger a sixteen step MIDI sequence. That’s the basic gist of it, but you can go off the rails from here. You could have unique values or CC LFOs for retrig, LFOs, FX, crossfader, and scenes per step. And then there’s OT arp to put on top if ya like.

I found it’s much more reliable to insert most messages after NOTE ON to set up the next trigger than try and get them in for the current one. You can set up CCs for most internal settings on midihub, so you could use OT to control things like whether to filter the MIDI notes, change the output MIDI channel, or to activate randomizers, or…

Not bad for just over £100 used. And that’s just using up 2 ports and 2 channels. I can share the basic patch if anyone is interested. Also, i’m pretty sure blokas will probably come out with a sequence pipe and make all this redundant. But yeah, I’m gonna think about how to use this in the meantime. I’m probs gonna need a lot of masking tape or an ec4