Haha Haha
Too late, I have 4 children…
I have had the c.com for 18 years and the oldest is 19, 3 were born while I had this compressor, so that may explain a few things about thier slightly odd appearance…?
No but seriously this cheap arse compressor has a neat trick up it’s sleave, it has a button labeled “enhance” which (long story short) reintroduces the high frequencies post compression. So if you feed it a kick into the key input it ducks the input as per usual and voila 90s french house / daft punk 3630 duck and pump…but if you engage the “enhance” button it reintroduces the high end and only ducks the low end frequencies…it’s far less annoying and helps manage the low end of town without mangling your sound totally just for the kick and sub bass to share space…it’s definately worth a few 3 legged, no necked children…just sayin…