Also, don’t bother looking in the memes thread, nothing to see there.
I’m guessing (mine hasn’t arrived yet) but encoder knobs usually slide off their shafts with a little force.
Can you go into some more details about the fm set up for each individual machine?
When browsing sounds to lock/load, is there a mode whereby this can be done purely by turning the DATA encoder and tapping a Track (the active track / any track) - i.e. no resorting to locking sounds in grid edit
On the A4 and AR this works well for me, kinda like an encoder driven multimap and it can be recorded live - quick and intuitive
Question post from news topic linking also to A4 live-soundlock-record steps
Hopefully gonna find out soon - maybe it could work via Auto Chan straight to active track
ty, so I’spose that re-trig count and tempo is global then eh?
Have you Ess, ever thought of doing some sound design videos for either the M:C or Digitone?
Would be awesome to see the some tips on sound design direct from the master.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Bickering
Can you elaborate on the midi out implementation? I’m hoping this could sequence my eurorack drums as well.
are you getting a raise?
Retrig count is per track, which you set in the retrig menu (func + retrig)
Tempo is per pattern
Edit: ok o saw that meant retrig tempo (rate) it’s set per track as well
M:C PC sync with Octatrack as master is a bar late, any ideas? Using 64 step pattern. M:C changes when OT reaches Step 17 essentially.
Had to switch from track to pattern in scale setup for it to pattern change in sync with OT. Otherwise it changes 16 steps late, so I guess the new question is is this expected behavior?
Would really like more detail on how the Color knob functions on the Chord algo. Which interval/osc volume permutations does it cover and in what order?
Are there toggles for sending Midi and playing audio for each track?
e.g. having tracks 1-4 play audio and send Midi, track 5 play audio only, and track six to only send Midi.
Why did you choose micro USB and why not enabling powering over it? I hope it’s not because of the marketing department… (to incorporate better powerhandle sales)?
Overbridge support for separate outs for each machine?
@jaybee6244 Model:Samples isn’t supported by Overbridge, so it’s safe to assume it will be the same for Model:Cycles.
So far only their high end devices and the Digitakt/Digitone are supported by Overbridge.
I like it that in :Cycles parameters are gathered into macro knobs the destination and course of which were very carefully chosen.
It is something I value a lot, for live improvisation.
But the thing that made me get one is how I love my Digitone, from day 1. It came right at the moment in my musical journey where I was fascinated and gathering knowledge on FM, and was the best tool ever to explore the sonic landscapes… No doubt M:C will give me some new directions in this regard.
Now my question: would you give us some further informations to us synthesis nerds that would make it possible to traduce M:C machines on DN? PC démo was interesting, but I would love it that you describe a bit further what parameters are hidden bellow each knob
Something that crosses my mind semi frequently about Elektron gear in general, given the tracker influences, is that note fx such as glide, vibrato, and so on could be incorporated into trig conditions, any thoughts on this?
Why is the last active project/pattern not loaded on startup?
What is the save policy? I rarely ever save my patterns on the Digis - is this a must for the Models? I think I lost the last pattern I was making yesterday… so seems like I really need to save before powering off?