very true. I have both apps actually
Model:Video synth
Model:Okaye , Model:Yeeah
model: airhorn
If physical modeling it should be Model:Modal
Model:Yodel - Elektron Epiglottal Exciter.
A silver Digi with all the Engines from the Mnm and the MD would indeed be a super smart move.
But sadly looking at the whole model whatever thing…I would not bet on the ultra smart move.
Model - but in different colours , black ?
Model : crypto / data / privacy ?
It’s makes random glitchy bullshit sounds which turn into Bitcoin mining and earns lots for elektron without any of us realising it as we just skip though the agreements without reading anything ?
Model: Octatrack. Whatever that would be, I’m sure it would be awesome.
OT owners probably would be happy
You just had to go there, didn’t you?
I think a Model:Rytm would be great. Just an awesome analog drum machine with an elektron sequencer at a 300 dollar price point? That would totally sell like hot cakes.
so hard to resist.
Mono:Model or Model:Machine.
Machine:Model or Model:Drum.
Spectrum is absolutely incredible. I’m stunned by anyone who makes music on iOS but doesn’t use Spectrum. I
I bet they could pull off a model mono true analog in the right price range.
…as mentioned here already…forget about all anaolg solutions…
physically not possible within this designrange…
and as also mentioned here already…yes, that digi thing, i keep on repeating to mention, that combines all the classics sort of, while staying open for any further updates including new algorithms EXACTLY like the microfreak already started with a little…
what this thread is prooving so nicely…the headspace is totally open to anything u can possibly think of…
a yodel engine…
endless variations of bit shit engines…
speaking and vowel along engines…
various physical modeling snippet expert engines…
wavetable engines…funny ones…silly ones…serious ones…
an endless array of fx engines, to work within a neighbor track concept…
all with next level weirdo names…
an ongoing and constantly growing list of dedicated sonic one trick ponys, always just freshly delivered by some next “few” lines of code… it would be ENDLESS fun…
no new hardware models…one new hardware digibox mainframe hosting thing, that takes the whole concept of new sound engines/meet the machines like to a real next level by never outdateable sofware/firmware options…
and honestly…i saw all swedish hardware…and THIS product would be the only one i would pay for again…
and i can clearly picture the thread here, where we all could go nuts on what next soundmachine should be part of a next update…
and hell yeah, no big deal if each of these updates then would cost 5 to 10 bux…
no next sound or sample pax…
next new sound engines/machines/algos/codecs…that’s the real deal…
tickle our collectors habits…
give us a machine that’s capable to drop next new little crazy sonic shit to add to our libaries that’ can keep constantly growing in there…
i’d be sooooooo all in for that…
Model:Bits all classic gaming emulations SID NES VOPM TG16
Given I bought into the Anyma Phi and expect it with the next 2 months, if elektron do a model:physical or model:mutable for cheaper I may get a bit upset.