MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

I literally have a client that insists I use sample content from Splice. I’m required to cite the source for all material used in my work, as they’ve been burned before. Without getting too much into detail, suffice to say that Splice isn’t 100% guaranteed copyright free either, but I do as the client wishes. If they’re happy, my bank account is happy. Lol

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Samples used in music done for commercial purposes should always be subject to full disclosure and proper mechanical licensing, regardless of the source.

Otherwise, I’m a huge advocate for simply creating one’s own sounds. :wink:



Mpc is a pretty powerful sampler though, sure it can’t do everything. For hardware I’m pretty happy with it.

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Clearly, but the point was - crate digging for sample content via (insert random vinyl collection, YouTube, Spotify, etc) opens up a whole other - usually expensive - world of clearing samples. Using Splice (or other curated sources) can simplify the process.

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How many sales of the current gen mpcs has akai made? Just curious

I think it’s one of the best selling pieces of gear of the last few years.

MPC Key even is hard to find and seems to be doing well.

I want to sync my mpc live 2 to my iPad and then use my iPad to sequence my hydrasynth. As a bit of a primate with this stuff, could someone talk me through how to do this and what connections I will need?

Camera connection kit is really good to use for this.

I did the same thing recently, you should have a read of the iPad thread to get some more info.

But, you need a USB to midi I/O interface of some description.
I wanted a dedicated one, and picked up this iconnectivity one;

iConnectivity midi mio 1-in 1-out USB To MIDI Interface for Mac and PC iConnectivity midi mio 1-in 1-out USB To MIDI Interface for Mac and PC : iConnectivity: Musical Instruments & DJ

This gives you the ability to control/seq anything on your iPad from your MPC.
You can also send midi from the iPad into your MPC (great for midi arps and other seqs on the iPad…I love it for Fugue Machine).

You’re probably hoping that there is some way of plugging the iPad directly into the MPC and routing audio… unfortunately, you can’t.

Here’s the iPad Music Apps thread where I asked about doing the same thing;


Just like making music.

You can use bluetooth to send midi from the iPad to the mpc by the way if you missed that

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I’m principal, yes.
In reality, it’s bloody awful.


I don’t know about sequencing but it’s been flawless for me with scaler. I’d imagine even if there’s a delay you could just record off the grid and nudge the lot back by a few ms. Worth a go

I use a midi adaptor cable like this one from my iPad into synths

I sync it with my Akai Force using Link. I also use Bluetooth midi with no issues.

Hehe this made me laugh but also sad remembering the pain of trying in vain to make it work…:crazy_face::sweat_smile:

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To be sure, connecting an iPad to the MPC via Bluetooth is an unmitigated disaster.


Use an iOS app that supports Ableton Link. No wires required then.

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Connecting an iPad to the MPC/Force using Bluetooth is super simple and works fine. Not sure why you’re having trouble, though.

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Haha Sue Ryder is my prime digging spot :+1:

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Given the breadth of iDevices and iterations of iOS that are out there…

If it works for you, that’s a win. It has not, however, proven reliable for me; nor has it for others, it would seem. It’s a moot point for me anyway. I would never trust Bluetooth onstage, so it really was just out-of-interest that I even tried it.
