MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 2)

Awesome track!

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Hello guys,

I have a question, maybe you can help me. To this point I hadn’t really use the plugins much, but then it occurred to me to downsize since many of the sounds on the MPC plugins are pleasing.
My question is, how do I change presets between sequences? Let’s say I have a Tube synth bass sound on sequence 1, but I want to use a pad sound on sequence 2, if I change it to a pad it will change it for sequence 1 as well! How do I make changes without affecting the other sequences?

Thank you for your help!

you will need to open another instance of the plugin.

The problem is that it only allows you to open 8 in total, regardless of the number of sequences. So, for a short set, I was doing 8 changes (songs), but since I was using ext hardware, I had no problem. But now, I can’t do 8 songs with the same 8 sounds. I need to change the presets in each song. Otherwise the plugins are useless for jamming. I didn’t know that was the case, it seemed pretty logical to me that this could be done.

Unfortunately you can’t switch presets between sequences, like @J-Hz says, that would require a second plugin instance. Indeed, you have a total of 8 plugin instances at your disposal. I’ve found that it’s rare that I need more than 8 for my songs, and when I’m about to open up a 9th plugin, I usually come up with some tricks to stick to just 8.

A couple of things you can do:

  • You can change all the parameters of a synth plugin and automate these changes at the start of a sequence. For example, you could use a pleasing synth sound that works as both a pad and a pluck depending on your attack and decay used. This kind of morphing of the same basic sound I actually find more pleasing to some extent. As if you’re tweaking the synth live. Then you can of course alter more and more parameters to create even more movement and dynamics as the song progresses.
  • You can sample simple stabs or other accent elements and move them to a pad program instead. I use this for certain elements that are more in the background and/or more repetitive. What’s fun about this approach is that you can then get creative with resampling and chopping things up to add unique ear candy to the track. This often inspires me to keep working on the song to make it more interesting and “full”.

If the plugins respond to program change messages, then it may be possible to do add cc Pgrm change in the automation lane.

Remember that the MPC is a sampler first and foremost.

Use the 8 plugins where you feel you need them most.

For anything else, sample/autosample, and create keygroup programs. These are unlimited and give you access/control of most performance functions you would ever need.

Personally, I rarely use the plugins… I would much rather use the Prophet, Moog, Roland, Korg (and many others) sample programs I have.

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They do not respond to program change messages, only drum programs and key groups. Customers have been asking for that function for years.

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Bounce to audio, create a keygroup.

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If you can’t do any of those things, you need to use the setlist feature, and load them up quick.

Wtf. They really need to do something about that.

Not really, your not supposed to use different sequences as songs, that is what projects is for. It is a sampler, not a plug in player… it is a nice bonus we have them.


Hold on, what do you mean by projects? I use projects because I thought that way I could do multiple songs. Is there other way to do multiple sequences to be used as songs? Maybe that can solve my issue

I think that’s the option

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Yeah, I guess I have to rethink my approach to it. I was planning to use it more like a groovebox

The MPC is many different things for many different people. And AKAI is trying to sell peoiple $500 plug in packs, people certainly have the right to deem it a “plugin player”, after all, AKAI themselves call the MPC key a ‘stand alone MPC synthesizer keyboard’:

MPC Key 61 (


I use my MPC One as an autosampler (to create my own keygroups), as a synthetizer thanks to the plugins, as an effect processor for my voice and my guitar, as a multitrack recorder, as a sequencer. But almost never as an old school sampler only (sampling of 3rd party music, chopping…).
Despite their lacks and bugs the new MPCs are much more than simple samplers.


There are lots of crappy synthesizers, it’s not like there is a quality threshold for being called synthesizer… If so then semantics have truly given robots a good reason to kill us all deservedly.

We all should be able to agree a mpc is a sampler… even with keys and the word synthesizer on it.

there is no such thing as a lesser synthesizer and it’s beside the point anyway.

Nobody has to agree with any opinion, people use their gear differently. The MPC live series is many thing, and the MPC OS calls itself a DAW on PC.

Many of these plugins could have just used an improved key group engine, if only AKAI focused on improving it instead of trying to sell $500 plugin packs…