an update is I got rid of the lead A1 but I kinda regret it. My brother moved back in with us and I had to give up the living room. I decided to move everything to my bedroom and keep the guitar and amp seperate from the electronic music downstairs to scale down.
I’m now thinking of getting something next month to compliment my current setup of a digitakt and an FM radio. I don’t have much space and wondering if the Digitone would still be the right call. I’ve seen the Micromonsta 2 out would this be good? I think its not multitimberal
I can’t remember if I said it above, but I’ve definitely said it in plenty of other threads: DT and DN are made for each other. They’re fantastic as a pair and together they take up hardly any space. Just be careful that you truly research things this time, though, because you’re gradually losing more and more money by constantly switching things out. Watch loads of YouTube videos, make sure it is what you want, opinions on here won’t help you.
Digitone is a brilliant piece of kit. You can build full songs on it. If it was my only synth I’d be well happy with it. With a bit of thought and patience you’ll be surprised how much you can do with it, especially when you factor in conditional triggers and sound locking etc.
When you get it make a brew, sit down on the sofa with headphones on head and DN on lap. Programme a simple sequence then start investigating. That’s hours gone just there. Then bear in mind you’ve got three more internal tracks and another 4 midi track. It’s all the synth/sequencer you need for all sorts of stuff. It’s still my go to sequencer and I’ve got a ton of other gear.
I’m looking to dip my toe into the modular world myself but my eye keeps being drawn to the Digitone Keys. Another DN? With keys? Yes please!
Protip: buy nothing. With a Digitakt and a computer, you have everything you need if times are tough. If you like playing keys, buy a keystep (not pro, not MK2… just a good ol’ keystep!) to play the DT. And that’s it.
Now, learn the DT like it was the only other human left on Earth with you.
What was wrong with the Nord A1? That’s a decent sounding and complex synth. You previously said the Digitone wasn’t inspiring to you and that you didn’t like the FM sound. What has changed since then?
If times are tough, don’t buy anything. Try to work with what you have. Constraints can be a powerful creativity booster.
Other options : buy used gear, like a digitone. Or a powerful minisynth like micromonsta 1 (or even the brand new one, it’s still cheaper than a digitone, and considering your current setup, you don’t really need an extra sequencer like the digitone one).
Despite what I said above, this is the advice you should be following! Try working through the winter with only DT and see where you can take it. Take some long 33 second samples off YouTube and see what you can do with them. For example, for this I took some choir sections from Lord of the Rings and messed with sample start points to create a loose jam on Rytm, which is even more limited as a sampler than DT. It’s nothing special at all, but it does show that a sampler can do anything imaginable!
Sampling is a noble deep art form, full of possibilities. Don’t have a synth ? Sample it !
And stay away from sample packs. Always use records, vids, radio etc.
So you tried the “dark trinity”, that did not work out, then you bought a Digitakt, a Blofeld and a modular case, sold the case and the Blofeld, bought a Nord Lead, sold it again and now you consider a Digitone (which was not appealing to you at first).
I’d say listen to the advice here: Don’t buy anything. You don’t have a music making dilemma but a “I must buy gear, then I can make music” dilemma. I can already tell you the outcome: No gear you will buy with this intention will get you there.
Save your money for more important things now, use the time to fully master the DT (elektron devices take time) and see what the future brings you, take your time! (and be patient)
I agree with everyone here suggesting not buying anything. You have a Digitakt, which is really fun and more than capable of making full tracks on its own. You also have a guitar, which is great sampling material for the Digitakt. If you already have a DAW, you could sample the plugins into the Digitakt, or better yet (in my opinion), sequence them from the Digitakt. The latter practically turns your Digitakt into a 8 track sampler + 8 synth groovebox.
You have the tools to make music right now, but it seems like you’re deep into Gear Acquisition Syndrome. All we can do is encourage you and point you to tutorials, but it’s on you start enjoying the amazing kit you already have.
Edit: The Digitakt is awesome (in case I didn’t say that already)