i don’t think that they do but i think it would be very cool if they did
Doesn’t seem enough here to start up a thread. Something new here, it’s more than a color change on the Keylab, but hard to say what.
Worst case though we have to wait until mid-May for Snooperbooth to find out. Arturia is at Syth East - Norwich this Saturday though.
Guessing, but I’d imagine the Norwich show will just be the UK distributor for Arturia… the big Arturia crew/roadshow will next surface at Superbooth.
Curious to see what these new devices are…
Worst sale ever
Last note on this one I promise. I confirmed with Sweetwater that this thing weighs…wait for it…35 pounds. I’m befuddled. A pedalboard with comparable real estate is 6 pounds.
17.5 kg? that’s quite a lot, for less weight you can get a fully equipped K&M Omega Pro, albeit at double the cost (triple in the US) and size.
i prefer something build with wood…a colleague got some stuff from this guy here … [scottandsonracks.com]… they are specialized to build custom stands… really nice , awesome design… and yeah it take some time