New Machines for your machine



Here is how to update your ST from an android phone.

  1. You need an adapter cable to whatever your phone needs. Mine takes USB C.

  2. download the zip file containing the update from and unpack it.

  3. install Syx-lib app it’s free on play store

  4. connect ST and start the app, they will find each other immediately.

  5. allow the app to access your file system, otherwise you will not be able to find the update .sysex

  6. on your ST go to menu > system > os update
    ST is waiting for the. Sysex file

  7. on the app locate the file, tap it, upload will start
    Took longer then using a PC, but worked 100%

  8. enjoy some oldschool hardcore hoover sounds :sunglasses::metal: haaakkee


Nice machines! Definitely makes the Syntakt that much more appealing.


stay safe, I feel for what you and your country are having to endure. hopefully stuff like this is a helpful distraction when the opportunity presents.

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The arpeggiator works really great with the new machines!

just kidding.


Very happy for the Syntakt gang today. Enjoy those new machines, sure seems like they’ll add a lot to the overall sound palette.

Don’t cry for us Analog homies, we have plenty to keep us busy and hey we may still get an update at some point. (All I really want is LED brightness level adjustment.)


Well I AM jaded and while updates are always nice, yeah I was really hoping for something a bit weirder/more inventive to push me over the ledge into buying one of these. Still cool that they’re already putting new machines on it, though.


Stay safe. maybe it doesn´t make a difference but whishes go out to ukraine every single day. hope to see peace as soon as possible. kick them out


Thanks and bravo ! (I record my Syntakt videos with an USB C adapter)

Can someone tell me if it is possible to make the CR-78 “Metal Beat” sound with 2 instances of RAW (3 total squares) thru the fx block resonant band pass filter? A short amp or filter decay should do it.

The frequencies of the oscillators are 5620hz (bw F8 and F#8), 6170hz (bw F#8 and G8), 4080hz (bw B7 and B8).

I will try this later if no one feels like trying it or has time

Same here! Easy and simple :sunglasses:

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Digitakt enters the chat

Octatrack winks seductively from across the room


Which video app are you using ?Unfortunately usb audio doesn’t work with my default Samsung app. I installed Cinema FV5 but there are some recording time limitations…

No money, no candy.

great update. not quite enough to get me back on the syntakt train but really good to see it being updated with new machines. good vibes


Syntakt consumes pretty much due to analog tracks, so it would be just not efficient. and i avoid inefficient solutions – because in times like this you never know how long the outage is going to be.

i stay on iPads during the power outages – totally enough to sketch & arrange.


Had a quick lunchtime blast with some heavy Syntakt drums and some Reznor / NIN type Swarm!! Made me want to fire up the guitar and add some fuzz chords.


Open camera to record and vn editor for basic editing.
In the app you can select ‘mic’ which is a placeholder for external input source.

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In my experience there is never this much difference between naked oscillator output when you’re talking about squares and saws (unless they are way off the mark like a 303). The rest of the synth or the response to modulation is where the differences in sound lie. Some oscs are a little brighter than others is usually the only difference I notice. Would love to see them both on a scope or a blind A/B test and be proven wrong though.

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How about model cycles?

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