New Machines for your machine

Love the new machines. I would love to see even more digital ones added (though a new analog machine is a welcome surprise!). My top wanted features would be something like this:

  • Ability to combine voices to one track (eg. trigger two or more track sounds but only need to use one track’s sequence)
  • An arpeggiator
  • A resonator machine
  • A compressor with sidechain (like the Digitakt)

I personally would not like to see sampling added to this device as I feel it would make it less focused. I may be biased because I already own a Digitakt.

Polyphony would of course be awesome but I can understand why they may not go in that direction since it overlaps a bit more with the Digitone.


These are 2 features of the Digitone, it would be possible.

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Not mine but jeez the new engines sound fantastic


You probably don’t use half the features that are there already :wink:


Just wanted to say THX Elektron for the new swarm engine :rofl:


Trancegate FX LFO to Amp, or to clicky ? For swarm synth ?

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I’ve noticed something in this video, am I dreaming or have I been missing this feature all this time? When Mario is set to record his Sound in the Sequencer, the recording starts only when he hits the first note. The video is already set to that part.

I’ve checked the manual but couldn’t find any info.


Man… MAN. As if I didn’t already want the Syntakt as it is. They’re 160,000 yen here. WTF!?

As a JP-8000 owner, I can’t wait to check out “Elektron-style” supersaw.


127.000¥ if that makes it easier for you :wink:


Oh, it DOES! 12/10 can’t come soon enough…

Btw, not affiliated with the shop. I just saw the offer while hunting for one yesterday. Enjoy!

Is it me or the decay on SY RAW doesn’t do anything? It’s weird… Decay works fine on SY SWARM however

fuckin hilarious

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The amp filter is also turned up… I was thinking the same thing

Looking at the manual now, it would seem that with SY RAW machine; only Osc 2 has a decay control. That parameter is named DEC2 (Osc 2 Decay).

TUNE (Osc 1 Tune) sets the tuning of oscillator 1. Value 0 corresponds to note C-2.
DET (Detune) sets the tuning of oscillator 2, relative to oscillator 1.
LEV2 (Osc 2 Level) sets the level of oscillator 2.


Welp, looks like the decay only for 2nd osc

My bad

Yeah just figured as well, my bad

It was throwing me off as well when I was playing with that a moment ago. I have to break Syntakt out again to explore this further.

I wonder - Does Osc 1 sustain infinitely?

Okay… hear me out… I know Im just excited… but I own ALOT of great synths… Gma, Matriach, Prophet 6.

But Im playing with RAW… and for the first time, I finally can actually HEAR what the two wavefrorms are doing to each other… I dont know if its how the oscillators oscillate, or what… Im new to this… but Osc 1 will do what it do depending on what i choose, and then I hear how Osc 2 modifies the sound…

I think its the presence and clarity of the sound, coupled with the graphic truly representing what the wave form is, instead of me turning a dial to a label like all the other synths, this time, I turn the dial, and the waveform graphic changes… it seems so obvious now…

And oh my god… the bass tone running through my bassy Bose soundbar is literally rattling my lego collection…

This is incredible… and that square wave with the ring mod… yamete kudasai… uhhhhhhhhhh…