I’m not sure if it’s just where my head was at at the time, but I actually prefer programming sounds on the DX7 to the Volca.
At that price though, I’ll probably get another one at some point.
I’m not sure if it’s just where my head was at at the time, but I actually prefer programming sounds on the DX7 to the Volca.
At that price though, I’ll probably get another one at some point.
Do we know the price? Nevermind, I’ll surely get another one too.
Korg volca FM will be available in May 2022 for a price of 189€ including VAT
So only about a million in Canadian right?
Some synth website, so not necessarily from the horse’s mouth.
those infuencers need even more bizarre facial expressions before i’ll consider listening to their brain noise.
loopop seemed to cover everything.
regarding volca’s… i bought a few, i sold them … after the initial ‘fun’ i never used them.
I will have to work at least 20 years to get one. Do I still have 20 years left?
I wish synth companies frequently made more obvious yet useful upgrades to their synths like this. With that said the volcafm is 10 years old… they couldn’t eek out a bit more patch memory and polyphony? I do think the vfm sounds great though.
Loopop has the best facial expressions imho.
Same. I sold all my Volcas just to get here… Some Volcas and an Electribe S2 helped enough to get a DN and DT.
Never going back never going back… (fades out)
My reaction too. Should bring out a ‘Whack a Mole’ game with Reviewers as the moles🤪
I too am running 1.09, and rely on sending sysex messages to my fm, so as long as the sysex implementation is there, I am fine with it. Also, the ability to hear a sound after switching patches is a major feature in 1.09 imo, gives it a pseudo multitimbrality vibe. Havent watched a review video mention it, but I imagine v2 doesnt come with it.
These thoughts aside, cant wait for it to hit the shelves.
Bloody hell! Must buy.
Perfect Circuit has the U.S. price at $169…
Quick question: can you automate the algorithm on these via midi CC?
I had a lot of fun with the first one, and it looks like a couple of cool new features added.
Good upgrade.
Yes, you can on the original Volca FM. Midi CC 48 goes to the Algorithm.
You sure mate? Here’s what I’m seeing…
Control Change |
My mistake. I asked for the FM and they show me the Keys.
This is great for different parts of a Song.
Thanks guys! I’m thinking of dedicating the A4’s midi track with one s/h LFO going to Algorithm, another one to something like Modulator Decay, plus using velocity modulation… glitchtastic.
You know what would be super dope… if you could sequence the random function. Like have it triggered say 12 times in a 4 bar loop, then reload the original patch on step 1 every time. Controlled randomness
I wish these YouTube faces didn’t bother me as much as they do…it’s at the point where I don’t want to click on any videos with them despite liking them as people.
Can you do this and how? I’ve never used one of the Tracks to send MIDI. I always thought that you can only send Note On/Off, Length and Velocity.