These last weeks I had to make some big purchases.
For work-related reasons, my wife and I have to spend next year living on different places. She is a hobbyist DJ, and we used to share some expensive material: the laptop (we had several, but only one powerful enough to use on music related tasks), and the monitors.
So, she took the laptop and the monitors with her, and I’ve just bought another ones. Moreover, after having a terrible experience with the new laptop (Syntakt & Linux - #6 by joanq), I’ve ended up expending quite a lot of money on a second hand M1 Macbook Pro.
I know that this doesn’t qualify as a “sin” in the NGNY sense, as I need these things to replace my equipment and keep doing what I was already doing, nonetheless, I’d preferred to not have to spend money and time buying music equipment this year.
Also, I want to sell some of my gear to, at least partially, cover the expenses. And this is being hard for me. Even though there are quite a few things I’m not using, it’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just that I don’t have the time to invest in all this amazing gear, so the decision on what to sell and what to keep is being difficult.
On the other hand, this has opened (more) my eyes on what a crazy behavior is this: buying more gear than you could possibly use in your free time, just because it seems cool or other people do amazing things with it.