I’m surprised that the ND2 is actively being developed, not just patched for bugs. Nice one Clavia; now release a Nord Modular G3 and everything will be forgiven.
Really fallen in love with this little box
I found a way to make a “kind of” Midi Retrig. I used the arpeggiator.
SPD: To your taste
Inconvenient: Retrig time values are set by SPD. They are not free as we can have on Audio Tracks Retrigs
Advantage: In real time recording, it will retrig from you push the button and until you release it. If I’m not wrong this cannont be done on Retrigs on Audio Tracks
Of course, as ND2 sounds are tunable, you can put RNGE to you taste to make arps with perc sounds.
Does anyone know how to control the nord drum 2 with midi from the machinedrum?
I connected them tonight, created a midi track on track 1 of the machinedrum, but it keeps triggering all 6 channels on the ND2.
My plan was to create 6 midi tracks on the MD for the 6 channels on the ND2, but not working …
If you haven’t changed it from the default, then MIDI channels 1-6 trigger the individual tracks chromatically. MIDI channel 10 is one note per ND2 track.
Maybe you set all the trigger MIDI channels on the ND2 to the same channel?
I tried it with MD too and hadn’t any problem by creating 6 midi tracks on the MD (And 2x INP to route ND2 to MD).
Try to check if the MD Midi track channels match the Midi channels set-up of the ND2 (Page 24 of the ND2 manual).
Try to check if the Global Midi channel of your ND2 is différent than one of the previous Midi Channels (default channel should be 10 I think).
Yes factory Midi channels and Global channel values.
I tried it too with MD. It works very well.
But I prefered to control the ND2 with OT due to:
- The ARP on Midi Sequenceur to make kind of Midi Retrigs as explained previoulsy or to ARP the perc
- The possiblity to play and record the ND2 chromatic and in real time with the keyboard of OT
- More CCs can be programmed on OT than on MD
Thanks guys for your replies.
I’m not in front of my MD at the moment, but what I think I am supposed to do is:
- change the ‘base channel’ on the MD to “9-12”
- create 6 midi tracks on the MD
Now, how do I assign a midi track on the MD to a channel on the ND2? I think you guys are saying that the ND2 channels have specific midi numbers. So how do I set the midi number on the MD track to match the midi number on the ND2 channel?
Thanks so much!
The MID machine numbers on the MD correspond to the MIDI channel they are output on. So MID1 machine outputs MIDI notes and CC data on channel 1, MID2 on channel 2, etc.
The Base Channel setting on the MD doesn’t really have much relevance, unless you are outputting the MIDI notes from the MD’s internal drum tracks. If you are, then don’t have it spanning MIDI ch10, otherwise the internal tracks may be triggering the ND2.
Thanks duplex that’s helpful.
I think then what I need to do is use mid10 to mid16 to create my six tracks on the MD, and then set each midi channel on the ND2 to match the respective track on the MD (ie. channel 1 on the ND2 should have a midi number of ‘10’, channel 2 a midi number of ‘11’ etc). Hope this works!!
Worked it out, thanks for your help guys. … Made a crappy video too!
@leighzi88 you should install rubber on your drum sticks
Hahaha, maybe I’ll use a third plastic stick for MD purposes … And need a longer arm
That reminds me of when we had to get up to change the TV channels. But you are maybe too young to remember.
I remember Rank 31! I used to lie on the floor and use my toes to change channel!
Hey, are you able to change banks and programs of ND2 when controlled by OT ? I tried it hardly last night with no success.
- PROG CH activated
- PROG CH SEND: I tried AUTO then every value from 0 to 15 then the GL channel of the ND2
- Set up of the appropriated BANK X / PROGRAM XX on every Midi channel including the GL channel of the ND2
It doesn’t work
Any Advice ?
Eugene Polley, inventor of TV remote, died 2 years ago.
Bellow the picture of the first TV remote
Just had a chance to update the ND 2 OS to ver.3. Man, what an update! New machines, expanded machines, a new effect . . .
What a great little box!