Nord Drum 2 - Hesitation

Shame midi channel 10 doesn’t CC control all tracks simultaneously. Will be worth contacting Nord for a request.

Pretty simple.

You can either trigger all 6 ND2 tracks using one midi channels and notes CDEFGA by default.

Or, you can set up a separate MIDI channel for each track, which allows for pitched sequencing, and also the use of CC controllers (for example, to control the decay of the hihat track, or something like that).

So what I have set up:

Midi tracks 1 & 2 on the OT: Channel 10 (control all ND2 tracks)

Midi tracks 3,4,5,6,7,8: Channels 11,12,13,14,15,16, respectively. These are the tracks that do the pitched/CC control.

Hope I managed to explain it well enough.[/quote]
Dear Josker,

thank you for the fast response.

i have too look more in detail.
Never work on the OT with Midi. So it is completely new for me :wink:

I’m really thinking to buy or wait until the Namm 2015 comes up with the Nord Drum 3 :wink:

All the best,


Just checked the manual Josker.

As an alternative to using multiple OT midi channels for CC control, you can set one track on the OT to the global channel number (normally 10) on the ND. Then which ever voice is selected on the ND will be controlled by the same OT midi channel.

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Every single parameter of Time can be controlled from Ableton Push so it basically is away from Computer :wink:

Every single parameter of Time can be controlled from Ableton Push so it basically is away from Computer ;)[/quote]
Dear clickclack777,

so i have to buy Push and ND2 :wink:

Do you have a video example?

How it will connect and Midi Sync with other Hardware?

All the best,


Every single parameter of Time can be controlled from Ableton Push so it basically is away from Computer ;)[/quote]
Dear clickclack777,

so i have to buy Push and ND2 :wink:

Do you have a video example?

How it will connect and Midi Sync with other Hardware?

All the best,

Don´t know your current setup. The tip was meant for people who already have the gear. But if you want a good sequencer/sampler/synth combo, Ableton + Push + Time & Timbre might be good alternative to the elektron gear to sequence your ND2.
You will find a detailed overview on the Youtube Skinnerbox channel:

[quote="“Baddcr” date=“2014-12-05 11:30:23"”]
Couple of new tutorials from Nord:


Ah shit, I could really do without GASing on the ND2 again…

Dear Baddcr,
thank you for this.
i’m really interesting if the sound fit my for what i’m looking for ( fat groovy Bass)
All the best,

Thank you! Have been looking for decent videos!!!

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Oh noes, there goes my secret weapon :sob:

Bro I won’t tell anyone…

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The Nord Drum 2 is all the drum synth you could ever need, I’m so bored of telling people!
The videos don’t do it any justice at all, when I saw ‘advanced synthesis’ I thought maybe finally a video that shows it off, but no not one bit!

Best thing to do is check the sound bank demos on the Nord site for an idea but again this thing is very deep…

6 monophonic keyboard trackable synths with eq, overdrive and ring mod per channel, the best secret weapon in the business.

Add ND to the OT and give up everything else in your life…


Ok, i’m in.
Only question at Namm 2015 new ND or not?
All the best,

It won’t happen before … LONG enough to have fun with the ND2. Go for it :heart:

As BeardyJack said, that beast with an OT is just crazy.

One question, you prefer into OT or into Mixer- Soundcard?
All the best,

I picked up a brand new ND2 from a UK retailer last week for 340 clams - at that price it was a no brainer after just listening to the built in demos for 20 mins whilst twisting the params. If your on the fence - shop around and ask for ‘best prices’.

WaldermaR, whatever fits your workflow, i am not a sound fetishist. I route it through a mixer because i like having all my devices ready to be routed to the OT input whenever i need to sample or use some effects.

I use a zoom H2N as an audio interface to record to the computer if i need to via the main mixer outputs.


The question only was because i use a Soundcard RME FF-400 and it is miles better then a Mixer what i try before.
All the best,

Been waiting to see some decent demos of the ND2 - those two from Nord direct really help my decision a lot! Now leaning very heavily toward ND2 + Nord Pads, and very heavily away from AR. Just looks immense from that second syntheeesis demo on tweakability.

You’re all making me miss my ND2 (which I returned against a XONE:4D mixer and don’t regret) - if only they’d release a VST version of the iPad app… I’d buy two more :smiley: