However, I recommend using the headphone output as opposed to the actual outputs. On Global they have the ability to increase volume of main outs, but it still seems too thin to me. Not in a cold signal kind of way because you could fix that with boosting into a pre-amp, but it’s like there’s a rol-off of highs and lows. But Headphone out seems to sound better.
Just running though a MS-70CDR using it’s comp & reverb makes the thing sound amazing…
I’ve actually been working on a setup using LoopyHD+AUM+APC40 on my iPad for like months… It’s like a dodeca
Another example thru several presets, same principle.
At beginning, first 4 bars, you can hear the dry Amen Break played with OT crossfader, and just after, from snare rolls, it’s thru Wavedrum algos.
Super cool idea and execution. I have thought about get a McMillen Boppad to use for midi modulation/manipulaton, but you have gone a whole other level here.
Had a BOP pad. It’s OK… But no where near as good as they advertised it woudl be. Position and pressure tracking is far to jittery to be usable. I bought 2 to use with Rytm to send Aftertouch based on position, etc. Jumps around too much so unless you’re after glitch music…
The nice thing about the WD is it’s basically a processed “acoustic” instrument, so there’s no midi latency, etc. and the sounds vary with how you play it, what you hit it with, etc. etc.
Did you post this mod to the Korgforums wavedrum subforum? Surely they’d be interested
There are some crazy hacks and mods there already, but few with somewhat detailed “i did this and this to achieve this [picture]” - I’d love to do a mod like yours on mine!