Awesome. It took a couple of attempts, but now it’s working.
How’s this…
it’s just two weeks until Christmas & my device still doesn’t function with the new mac/os updates!!!
This in not professional & unforgivable!!
Do I have to be worried every time that there’s a new mac update that I can’t use my electron software for the next month?
In this day & age you can’t live without your software.
Electron isn’t cheap, but they don’t seem to manage to keep up.
All the competitors have updated!
I’m a musician, not a programmer & don’t want to have to make changes to the system on my computer.
I really like the sound from electron but the technical support is appalling!
This is unfortunately a good reason not to buy any more of their products.
I don’t need the stress.
Don’t like complaining but this is really annoying!
It’s finally released !!!
Someone is having trouble navigating through Apple’s clusterfvck known as “updating osx in order to milk money from everyone”? Apple is the unprofessional company here IMHO. Their technical roadmap is a nightmare, you never know what feature or technology/framework they will change/abandon next. They’ve been sucking worse and worse ever since Jobs left us.
If elektron were Apple, they would drop DIN MIDI, hell pretty much everything except USB-C, and would arrogantly state “this was so brave of us - now you cannot interface with the legacy of the last 30-40 years of audio technology anymore, aren’t we just clever and future-thinking and BRAVE?”
Calm down you need to realize what road APPLE is around to take… That’s few years now I have problems and that’s because all is done to force/tempting you to update all your apple device because iOS is linked with Apple Computers now. We’re in December and all is working ! BUT, in JUNE so in 6 month from there APPLE will start to announce a new OS and all will RESTART AGAIN… Do you imagine the crazy things APPLE do ? you think everyone can follow that policy ? every company size ? honestly UAD, Roland, RME, MOTU everyone they doesn’t make better they were “kind of” ready one month ago or two in the best case. BUT, prepare to stress in APRIL and it will not be a FISH joke of the MONTH.
If you want to make music at some point you will have to THINK is APPLE is serious with Professional ? Do you really need to update ALL your DEVICE ? or stabilize a Music Station who everything working perfectly and freeze it in TIME so you can be productive. My advise is to have 2 computers, one for the LIFE and one for the Serious MusicStation (and this one LOCK IT WHEN ALL IS WORKING)
Nowadays as you SAY there is no other choice or trusting Microsoft who stop this crazy thing and declare no more windows. Windows 10 will be the last one. (I think it’s a good choice for them to declare that.) As a non Microsoft user (for now) I appreciate what they doing. The Microsoft Surface Studio is a very nice project I will follow closely. And maybe I will say bye bye to APPLE for GOOD.
Sandboxing, SIP, Flash, Silverlight, Java dropped (unless you lock it and say yeah I’m ok I want it) ! That’s not nothing… And it’s just software speaking, hardware speaking they dropped a lot also… and price get higher every 6 month
It’s just the crazy Shareholders and Stock options ROAD now…
Now I see things like this (IF YOU UPDATE EACH TIME) you loose 6 WORKING MONTH, how much track you made in 6 MONTH ? How valuable is it ? your TIME ? How cost a Computer ? THEN… each one choose …
I help manage a production environment that has both PC (for our Avid) and Mac (for our graphic artists). Currently we’re using Windows 7 and OSX 10.9.5. We’re upgrading to Sierra within the next couple of months (testing out compatibility with Maya/plugins/Adobe products and projects). None of these systems change, they’re all in a closed network with no internet access.
We tend to minimize the amount of issues we have because we create controlled environments that don’t change unless we test them extensively first. It limits the amount of “latest and greatest” we can have, but when the risk is not having access to projects/data/media/etc - which is the most important thing we have - the tradeoff is obviously not worth the risk.
The reason I bring this up is because every serious musician should treat their music computer the same way. Have a backup. Do a clean install of your OS onto your computer every few months (I do mine ~6 months). Don’t use shitty [k] software (or at least pay $ for your DAW since that’s the most important part). Don’t allow your work/music computer to access the internet unless it’s absolutely necessary (like for authorizing plugins or software - then turn off the access once it’s done). You’d be amazed how many problems can be solved just by following those steps.
The ultimate question should always be “Why do I need this?” - if the Apple Macbook Pro has weird connectors you don’t want to use but you need a new laptop right now, there’s plenty of aftermarket older Macbook Pros that have the other connectors. If it comes with Sierra but you want an older OS, Apple keeps all their OSes available in the App Store so just make an image on a boot disk and backrev the OS. Don’t forget that Microsoft is just as happy to take your money as Apple is too.
Both are beholden to their shareholders as publicly traded companies, so it’s their obligation to make sure sales are high. Apple obviously is on a track to make all their stuff proprietary lately and that makes things a dongle nightmare. I still miss the line in on my Macbook Pro…
We just installed one of the huge Surface Hub 55" units on a wall last week and one of my coworkers uses a Surface tablet. The Hub’s pixel depth is pretty bad (you can see individual pixels from about 2-3 feet (1m) away and it requires a network connection. Its reliance on a stylus sucks. You can’t just walk up to it - a GIANT monitor on a wall - and swipe with your finger, you have to use the pen on the side of it. Also, the matte plastic screen just seems so cheap for what you’re getting for the $ - it’s not even glass so there’s going to be fingerprints all over it. It’s $7000 and it wouldn’t work at all unless it had a network connection!
The same can be said for the Surface tablet, imho it’s the “should’ve gotten an iPad” device. The integration with Windows is cool - using Office is great - but the design is cheap, the screen is plastic…and the stylus thing again.
Bought a cheap surface pro 3 with a cracked screen in top right corner. Doest extend on to the used area. Been pretty stoked on it. £450 i7, 512gb, 8gb ram.
Pretty sure screens glass not plastic? Either way the whole thing feels on par with ipad type quality? Def not an ‘I regret not getting ipad’ vibe at all once you install your main daws/softsynths/sample libraries/video software etc… Ipad is great but in a totally different way.
And you don’t ‘have’ to use the stylus? Fingers are fine? Tho I guess maybe it’s different on the big wall hub version like you mention. Weird if so tho? Sorry for the slight derailing but just didn’t seem to be able to match up what you’re saying with my experience of surface.
I could def be wrong, we just set it up this week so I haven’t had a chance to do much more than doodle with the hub. It seemed odd to me that you couldn’t use your fingers so maybe that’s just a setting. For the hub it’s a matte screen for sure though.
As for the Surface Pro screen - I could be mistaken, I’ll have to get a closer look. Maybe he’s using something else entirely and I just assumed it was the Pro, though I am fairly sure.
I’m talking about that one :
For buying a new laptop I would just recommend to pick a Gamerlaptop like Dell Alienware. All that nice slim devices have one common problem called thermal management.
With newest Skylake processors it’s improved but not solved, so you will run in throttling in certain situations.
And forget Apple at the moment, there’s a reason why the oculus rift guys says they will support apple product only in case t apple is able to build computers.
I learn it the hard way cost me a lot of money interrupt my music making due to lot of trouble shooting that cant be solved.
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