The generative feature in Tracker is “fill”. With that you get predictable “randomness”. Just make more patterns, they’re free.
You can duplicate entire patterns or copy tracks to a new pattern in the song view.
The generative feature in Tracker is “fill”. With that you get predictable “randomness”. Just make more patterns, they’re free.
You can duplicate entire patterns or copy tracks to a new pattern in the song view.
AI music is your friend here. It will generate anything randomly . You dont need hardware for this feature.
The problem is that it can’t receive program changes…
Yes, I’m aware that that’s the paradigm. However, this leads to a massive pattern count needed for small variations.
So Mpc is the Master of the midi gang.
Is it working for you? With my digitone never worked…
I will Check this in few days. I am in Holiday just With iPad and PT.
Thank you
Too bad they change design regarding haptic and feel without notice. I had one from the last sale which was so different in feeling of the wheel and surface I sent it back. The haptic connection seems to be very important in an instrument (for me).
If Polyend doesn’t invest in software development anymore, they should open source the project so the platform can be improved. Just look how much the initial leaking of the Llama model sparked creativity and development and gave a push to the whole industry/field.
I keep my PT (2nd iteration). Sounds great but I hate too big parameter jumps in delay settings, bad songmode, no jump and loop commands.
Would love to run defle mask or furnace tracker on the platform.
1.8. came out days ago. Development not super fast-paced, but far from stalled. Added pattern naming among other things, which is incredibly useful. My point is more that I’d like to see development in different areas.
But for sure I’d love an open source firmware. There’s an interesting discussion about this in the Polyend backstage forum, pointing out pros and cons and why it’s not all rainbows and unicorns with open source. From that discussion, I think they probably won’t do it, for reasons I can understand.
Regarding hardware versions, I’m also a bit confused. Not sure whether the back of by unit is painted aluminum as claimed by many reviews or plastic.
Regardless of the material, my unit feels great to use. Coming from hardware sequencers with a handful of buttons and stamp-sized screens (Eurorack, Elektron), the Tracker has the most efficient sequencing workflow I’ve ever seen in hardware, especially for melody and chords.
Best bit of kit since the Mduw and mono machine.
Love it.
I never would have expected the easy of use.
I ve question about samples. If i load a sample from my sd Card and want a copy of that sample i search on my sd card. Sometimes sd cards are a Bit unorganized…
I want e.g. Have a sample With 2 Bars different start points. (I know i can do this With the slicer mode, thats Not the point)
How can i dublicate samples in the sample List?
Copy and paste works on the instrument list. You can also import the same sample twice into different slots.
If you want to duplicate the sample file on the SD card, you probably need to use a computer.
To Name Tracks and pattern is an awesome Feature. Songs will be tidy.
I am just wishing they would steal some page from the Elektron arranger (mute track by pattern and not globally, repeat pattern x times, different starting point on the pattern).
It is almost there and could be solved by copy/pasting pattern. I just wish that the perform mode option of switching specific tracks in a pattern would be possible in song mode too.
But honestly, it is so easy to copy/edit variation etc. that it is okay. Just need to be a bit more organized. This is so easy to end up with a 3 minutes rough draft of beat/song/exploration.
Render Performance mode as sample or as pattern would bring the PT to another Level.
Yeah that would be pretty remarkable
İ would love to see a tool to make themes or a way to have User themes and user fonts.
1.8 pretty stable so far? Anyone here put it through the ringer yet? Will probably update today and can also report back.
I haven’t used 1.8 much yet. Encountered a freeze in sample import (selecting a part of the sample, adjusting start/end, keep hitting preview). Managed to reproduce it just now, hope I remember to report it to Polyend. Apart from that, they fixed some issues related to snap to zero I found really annoying.