Perfect Lot’s of options, cheers mate
I’m so glad the midi is on the face, an AWESOME design choice that suites me perfectly! Can’t wait. Great job Behringer!
Available for preorder but without a shipping date, yet
Yup no MIDI input on the back.
Seems that they’ve received a small batch of units (available now)
I wonder if they know neutrons decay into protons, and that’s why they chose the name.
Did not find it online nor manual. What is the current draw for Proton (+12V -12V ) ?
You’re ability to get stuff as soon as it’s out never ceases to amaze me. You buying from across seas?
Worst thing about Behringer review videos are all the synth newbs arguing about things they don’t know anything about. It always amazes me how many people there are who are addicted to arguing just about anything, no matter how insignificant.
The unit sounds pretty good. I wasn’t a fan of the on board delay, so not bothered by that, and the new additions certainly provide a tremendous amount of sound sculpting. Big B has so many talented engineers working for them that I hope they’re given the go ahead to continue to design some more original synths. Pretty sure this one is going to sell pretty well, so lets hope that encourages the boss to let them go all out. Just think what they could come up with, with all the experience they’ve got from the past few years. They could probably put together a pretty steller instrument.
This is how I imagine it works except it’s music gear.
It’s really the only explanation.
This has been available for several weeks now at altomusic!
You’re too modest.