You lost me at “change the byte at index 9”, sorry! I should probably read up on some sysex.
The manual of the scrip I want to use basically tells me to;
The MIDI Rack can also send SysEx messages. In order to access this
functionality, you’ll first need to create a SysEx List composed of the SysEx
messages you’d like to send. You’ll do this in your UserConfig file.
So say I have a .syx file on my computer (a kit), that I want to turn into a SysEx message - how do I do that?
gravetti - yeah, that would definitely be the best way to go about it! But seeing as it’s not going to happen, there must exist alternative ways, surely. I mean, other people must’ve stumbled across this problem when using Live with external synths.
Thanks a lot for your help, guys! Using Push is almost friggin perfect, but of course there had to be some stupid issue.
Well, at least it appears you don’t need to create twin kits, the A4 will reload itself when it changes a pattern, given that the pattern change option is ticked, regardless of whether the pattern contains the same kit. So that’s pretty good news. Works as a makeshift solution, anyway.
Well, no, forget that, you definitely need twin kits.
Ableton’s decisions. MIDI only on 1 channel too ![/quote]
You can bypass this limitation using a small standalone app made with max.
Then you can send MIDI messages from M4L to the stand alone using UDPSEND/UDPRECEIVE where the MIDI message will be created and sent to a real or virtual MIDI device.
Is extremely easy and reliable. I use this method on my live performance to handle all my alternative controllers MIDI messages.
And in Ableton set Launch quantization to None for those clips or you’ll get your pattern change late.[/quote]
Ah, nice, good tip! Thanks. I haven’t had it set to “none” before, and it hasn’t been a problem yet, but maybe it would’ve become one at some point. Cheers!