You explained well the way velocity mods work (their polarity and range), thank you! (it took me a little while to process it, but I think it makes sense now)
As you know gauging the velocity input is tricky, however, because we have a droning note (and a parameter which is audible) you can now use the level encoder to audition the velocity range in-situ
This I don’t understand… the note is droning, what impact will the level knob have since the velocity doesn’t apply after the note is already triggered? And what velocity range are you talking about?
But what I don’t understand is the point of the physical level knob on that screen… it updates the virtual knob but otherwise has not other impact right (unless it’s somewhere setting a range like the docs say but isn’t displayed anywhere)?
I give little credence to the phrase you highlighted in bold btw, i’d ignore that, or seek clarification in the documentation topic if you think there’s something amiss (i think it’s operating as intended, which is implicitly less useful than ‘retrospective/additive’ controllers like modwheel/aftertouch etc)
Well that phrase is actually the main point of my query… Could be it’s just a documentation bug, but it’s certainly confusing since being able to set the velocity range is exactly what I was looking for but it doesn’t seem to work. (hence creating this topic)
I’ll go back to the device and spend more time with it and see if I can make more sense of it.
Thanks for your time and patience!