Setting up MIDI OUT with Analog RYTM MK2?

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Hi all,

So I solved the issue and it was the Virus ti2 at fault. I simply needed to route the Virus ti2 to the correct output source out of the 3 sources on the virus ti2.

So, basically the issue was a daft one. Although all Analog settings are correct after following everyoneā€™s advice.

Thanks again!


My understanding is pad out are going to autochannel.
As in the sequencer each track as its own midi channel starting at C1
Might be a work around I didnā€™t take the time to investigate

I think @Ryan81 was talking about the 2 octaves offset, solved by 1.50A Os.

Depends on settings

OUTPUT CH selects whether the [PADS] and the knobs will send data on the auto channel or the track channel.

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Still after Updating to OS1.5B I do experience the same midi range offset 2 octaves.


Iā€™m still having the same midi offset of 2 octaves when it comes to midi out.

Any advice?

I just upgraded to test. Itā€™s ok for me. MKI 1.50A
Now pad notes correspond to sequencer notes.
I tested with USB and DIN.

What is your note reference ?

Be careful this isnā€™t an issue of a different midi standard or whatever. Example: my MPC 1000 C_0 is my Analog 4 C_2 (I may have that reversed). This two octave difference is a common between different machines.

Yes this is why I asked that :

A4/AK/AR lowest note is C0, OT is C-1 ! :smile:

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Yep. There is no midi offset, but itā€™s simply a naming issue. The midi standard has never defined how octaves are named, so different manufacturers use different schemes. Midi note value 0 can be named C-2, C-1 or C0, but refer all to the very same pitch.

There are also differences between different devices from a single manufacturer. For example: On the OT the lowest note (MIDI note value 0) is named C-1 while on the A4 it is named C0.

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:wink: Itā€™s been a long time!
IIRC Yamaha is C-2, and Roland C-1, or the opposite! :smile:

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Got this. Maybe I should precise: When I send out Midi Out of RYTM II / OS 1.5A, the highest octave I can send out of RYTM still triggers very low octaves on external Synths. Or in other words: Impossible to trigger higher octaves on external Synths. Iā€™m shure Iā€™m missing out something, but I canā€™t figure it out. Iā€™m shure some of you guys can advise.

No bug, no offset, but a limitation.
MIDI note values 12ā€“60
+/- 24 semitones max.
Extending semitones above to max range would be a nice evolution. Doesnā€™t seem complicated to implement, limitating internal sounds to +24, and midi notes to max.

Till then, a midi processor can be useful (as usual) to transpose notes.



youā€™re not - itā€™s not the same

same would mean that you understood the difference between a pad being hit and the corresponding difference upon that being sequenced back - thatā€™s where the offset was to be found

your issue is evidently nothing to do with that and has nothing to do with an offset

youā€™re just noticing that the range the MIDI outputs is camped in the lower half of the midi range - as it always has been - this is not new, itā€™s centred around Note 36 (+/- 24)

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Thanx a lot guys.

Hmmā€¦ from musical perspective I dont get the point. Why should you accept to just use the lower half of the midi range when getting creative?

So basically if I want the ARII /1.5A to send out midi to play a melody in the upper octaves of lets say my Prophet, AR II cant send them out because he cant reach these. Iā€™d need to buy an extra midi processor.
Iā€™m not so much into adding another extra box (midi processor). Especially not for an pricey instrument like the ARII.

Sweden is discriminating the uppper octaves? :slight_smile:

They didnā€™t originally, the first sequenced range was centred around 60, this may have been by design, but they possibly overlooked the divergence between the played pad MIDI output and the sequencing - having the pads and sequencing output transposed up optionally by two octaves would be a very reasonable feature request imho


Yes, number 1 feature request concerning midi output. Imho midi output transpose per track would suffice, seems reasonable as they transposed it by 2 octaves twice recently ! :content:
Including a Pads Transpose option?

Eventually max range for midi notes (keeping +24 as max range for internal synth / sample)

Sure? Rytm and this for upper octaves! :heart_eyes:

Canā€™t you pitch up your synths?


Haha! Finally! Thats the solution!

Pitch the synths = shure itā€™s possible, but hey, thats really not sexy. Isnā€™t it?

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They were apparently happy.


Hi I am reading the newest manual but I donā€™t see anywhere I can change what note is sending out of my track. Itā€™s a simple setup for me - I want to send my RYTM kick to a Vermona Lancet. I believe everything is setup properly based on this thread but I need to find the right note to trigger the Vermona. I believe it needs C2. How do I change the note going out from my track 1, or kick pad?