Really like that! You’re playing it live, yet it sounds (at least to me) perfectly mixed. Is it mixed entirely on the ST, or is it going through some sort of processor?
Wow, that sort of live mastery, of three boxes at once, is something I aspire to. Bravo. How do you hold all this in your head, what to process when, which pattern of which track has what on it and when to bring each one in? Just experience?
Ah that’s lush. Got me questioning my intention to purchase the DNII over the Syntakt (though I think that’s still my leaning.)
Thanks! Yes, all our live performances are recorded using Overbridge, that’s what gives you the separated audio stems for each track allowing you to actually mix it properly. It’s not just a way to get a better mix, it also widens the palette of opportunities. Maybe one synth sound needs some chorus, but Elektron decided not to include a chorus effect on the Syntakt. Then you just add that on the corresponding track in the DAW instead. And I’d argue you can’t do synthwave without chorus.
You can even run the Syntakt project using Overbridge into the DAW in real time so you can perform the jam with all mixing applied simultaneously as you jam it. (I haven’t done that myself so far though because it introduces some latency and sometimes the audio interface tends to mess up a bar or two with white noise, not sure if it’s a computer performance issue but I won’t take that risk when recording a live performance.)
I would like to present you a few songs inspired by drum and bass. I’m not sure which subgenre this falls into, but I think it still fits into the upper genre somehow anyway. I had fun doing it. hopefully you will too listening to it
I borrowed an Analog Rytm MK1 for the month. First Elektron gear I’ve actually had since having a Model:Samples for a minute back in 2019 when I was just starting out and didn’t know what I was doing. Now I have a much better idea of what I’m doing, and was able to rebuild one of my old drum & bass tracks very quickly, and having a blast along the way. These Elektron machines are pretty cool, huh?
4 Machinedrum EFM high hats and 4 NFX EVs doing tonal filtered lushness. Probably one of the MDs deepest synth machines. The tremolo is such a treat especially with LFO movement (not utilised here).
Did a current sounds export of this with added ableton utility stereo width (sounds better).