Single powering options for multiple devices

The formula for calculating current draw is as follows

Power = Voltage x Current

So Current = Power / Voltage

Voltage = 12v. Power rating info is dependant on the device.


Okay all you scientistsā€¦1.02 amps. Thatā€™s 3 moog semimodular synths, a handful of eurorack gear, digitakt and digitone, korg minilogue, sound craft EPM 8 mixer, compressor, a handful or guitar pedals, and a artuira keylab mkii 61. There is a song playing.

I would suspect the draw is higher, maybe 2 amps; the meter may not be dead on bit itā€™s isnā€™t off by 100%. Iā€™m not driving any speakers so the draw is just to push a line level signal. No computer either.

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This is what I used to run everything.

In reality, itā€™s probably more difficult to tie your shoes with a proper reef knot than to twist 6 wired barrel connectors into a female to hook up to this adapter.


Welcome! Please report back. Iā€™d love to know how it works out for you.

Also, looks like that whole setup is almost $200. Hope itā€™s worth it!

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Proper terms; Watts= voltage x amps

Yeah, I know. Iā€™ve been a time served qualified electrician for 20 odd yers. I just simplified the terms for those less qualified to make it easier to understand :+1:

Itā€™s called ā€˜the power triangleā€™


Did you get your power stuff yet?

The Setachi charger is here and the build seems quite nice. Iā€™ve attempted to put it through itā€™s paces by simultaneously charging two Mackbooks, Nintendo Switch and a portable PD battery - it was very fast and nothing seemed to get abnormally hot (or even warm for the that matter.)

The Birdcords havenā€™t arrived just yetā€¦ First setup will likely be Digitakt, Digitone, Squarp Hapax and Pioneer Toraiz SP-16, all powered via Birdcord / Setachi.

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Awesome. I plan on rocking the ST/DT/DN with it, so if it all works, I may have to suck it up and get that shit.

Can anyone with any better knowledge than I tell me if this may work to power a ST/DT/DN combo?

EDIT: After looking into it a bit more, I ordered one. I can always return it. Iā€™m hoping it can power my 3 Elektron boxes and MOTO Ultralite MK5 from the outlets, and then my Micromonsta and iPad from the USB. I may try and power one or more of the Elektron or MOTU devices via Birdcord, too.

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So this guy doesnā€™t work great. The usb pd ports donā€™t output 12v and the USB A ports arenā€™t isolated for ground loop/hum. Returned it.

Hoping @tomasu has better luck!

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Your item departed our USPS facility in QUEENS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER on October 12, 2022 at 8:33 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.

Fingers crossed the Birdcords come today or tomorrow!

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Welp, everything works exactly how I had hoped. Dieter from Songbird FX even hooked me up with an adapter currently not available in his web shop that fit the Toraiz.

All four devices are powered via Birdcord / Satechi PD GaN charger.


Oh thatā€™s amazing. No ground loop issues? Which USB C cables are you using to go into the Birdcords?

Using these and these. No noticeable ground loop noise. Next steps are to properly seat everything in the case and then rewire. Will maybe post some samples after everything is finished.

Dope. Ok. I could do 3 Digis and my iPad with this one, then get a smaller one for my MM2 and MOTO ULMK5. Sweet!

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So quick update - get the rig seated into the case. Currently routing the DT into the DN and with that output running into the Toraiz, which in turn acts as a mixer.

With all volumes set to 12:00, this is what the noise floor looks like (stereo quarter inch into Apogee Duet 2):

Similarly, with all volumes cranked to the max:

So, Iā€™m no audio engineer, but thereā€™s doesnā€™t seem to be any glaring ground loop issues.

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Amazing! I just ordered this one. I emailed UGreen to ask if their ports would support 12v and were isolated and they said yes to both.

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