Some songs that are really commercial and were over played in their time, but I still found enjoyable:
Madonna’s music made with Patrick Leonard always had sweet synth bass and drum programming.
This song is meant for a certain radio format that was big back then, but I like it’s vibe. And Carlos definitely brings his personal style no matter what he’s recording.
Or not the chorus, nor the verse. Way too cheesy. But that other part. ”When you’re gone…” Perfect.
Fuck yeah, this song is hard!
Young Folks. Peter Bjorn and John.
Not snobbery but I had just finished a long crummy day and was full of cynicism and/or hate for just about everything. The song starts playing on the radio.
Two things happened:
I immediately start smiling. Full on sh!t eating grin.
And I am trying to remember the name of the song because it felt so familiar like I had listened to it a lot years ago but I forgot the name of that tune.
That’s one thing that a really well written song can do. Some music is brilliant to me because it surprises and it is novel. Then some songs are great because they immediately sink in and make themselves welcome in my brain like they own the place.
Ceelo Green’s Crazy gave me that sensation the first time I heard it, too.
…and this ain’t no roll, I do LOVE this song
fucking love it
…hits like a spiked bat
Gets me every time to this day. Definitely some nostalgia from when I was 9, but damn I love the synths in this song. That “solo” section or whatever you wanna call it with all the floaty shooting star space sounds is my happy place.
That one instantly took me to…
…chorus blows my brain to bits.
Oh man, the instrumental section at the end… gets me in the feels every time. Level 42 are my undisputed 80s guilty musical pleasure!!
Level 42 are one of the best. In my top 10 for sure.
This is probably my favorite sing in the car at the top of my lungs song. Along with On The Wings of Love by Jeffrey Osborne. All LRB songs are good sing like no one’s listening tunes, really. Cool Change? Yes please.