Back in the day companies didn’t release products with half baked firmware and features, they spent the time to get it right first. That is not what happens nowadays with the Internet.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: What do I need as a live gigging musician?
I would go into detail but the this is the Superbooth thread.
So, 2 days until new Elektron box?!
Since we are all guessing at this point…
My guess is a DT + DN in one box with a keyboard, and song mode. Maybe they will throw in some analog magic to further separate it from the Digi line.
Full sequencer
16 track mono / 8 track stereo (tracks can be paired or mono)
16 track midi with internal routing to use DN for synth, plus ext midi.
All hail SedeTrack
And yes I’ve been drinking.
If like.
Multi engine fx box.
like heat but delays , reverb etc.
Fully configurable
Envelope followers and lfo , cv in
Ability to eq / compress / filter at multiple points in signal chain , not only at end.
But I suspect with zoia and mod duo x and others that market is getting a bit busy.
Is there anything out right now that’d let you send single tracks from say, the Digitone, to separate FX tracks on the other device? I like the Digitone’s FX but I’ve read others having qualms too with everything going to the same FX.
I guess for the Digitone, and other boxes with 2 outs, it’d have to be proprietary.
Everything overbridge seems to be proprietary elektron tech , and it takes a pretty powerful Mac / pc to do multiple devices , I suspect a mixer / fx box could become expensive and require lots of memory / fast cpu etc.
If they expand on usb class compliant audio it might work but then they’re competing with iPad and usb hub.
I think superbooth is already looking very promising , number 1 synth / weird box place right now.
The Thomann Elektron page ( now shows an empty category “Synthesizers”. This is new, I think. My guess would be, there’s an unreleased product hiding in there…
Anyway, really looking forward to Superbooth.
Inspector Gadget
Clicked on the link and found no such category “Synthesizers”.
“I want to believe”-X-Files
I’ve been longing for so long for a digi sized stripped down octatrack where only the slider, effects, looper and 4 input mixer is present.
Like a DJ mixer by elektron.
Is this year the year?
This has to be it.
When you search for elektron synths on thomann it shows 15 results, but after clicking to view results, only 14 are showed.
C’mon give us the SynthWave already…
Same goes for Elektron keys category, 15 results found but only 14 are showed after clicking
My guess - it might be a synth with keys and user waves
The page is called elektron_synthesizer_keyboards.html
Analog Keys MKII?
Why do you guys torture yourselves every year? Have your guesses about Elektron new products ever been right?
A mono synth EM-101 (elektron mono - 101)
Digitone8 keys; with 8 algorithms and 8 tracks - my guess.
And more knobs …
Everybody always guesses by adding more to something that already exists. 16 voices! 8 tracks! Twice the knobs! Honestly I noticed that of the hundreds of guesses i see every year 98% are incredibly unimaginative and im glad the people that actually make the instruments arent like this.
Polyend teased something new for Superbooth.