…even given the fact that there’s nothing left i’d like to purchase this year, i’ll be there for sure…
it’s simply way more than just a musical trade show off event…
it’s an overall “where it’s at” music festival of it’s very own kind…
with heaps of meet n greet n mingle…
but wait a second…yes, i really have more than all it needs…
i can even state with all confidence, i have the most modern and most versatile collection of sonic tools at hand EVER…
and apart from another next new bitwig upgrade plan in august i really need absolutely nothing else anymore…
while…ummmpff…mayyybeeee a syntakt could cross and tease my mind anyways…
but only if elektron is finally willing to show up this year again…
if not…well, dear swedish friends…this event get’s along totally fine also without u…
as do i…in that case…without a syntakt…