seems similar sound to doing audio rate sample and hold which has that type of sound though is similar to bit reduction type sound. if you have a sample and hold module… clock it at audio rates and you can get all kinds of weird shit. this is basically what’s in the Moffenzeef “intensifies” pedal. though it has some other stuff in it as well.
this module is an interesting take on what it does. having a filter in there and the patch points is cool.
ASQ-1 looks like fun. A 101 style sequencer with two pairs of CV/gate out, quantiser and four trigger outs. No mention of the Mega-Tang but it appears to be a four channel mixer with mutes and send/return.
Enrica and I have debated this, it would kind of lend itself to that, wouldn’t it?
At Superbooth we put it in a 4ms pod (could be much flatter though as the module construction is only 35mm deep counting the power socket in the back) and played it with our model:cycles, and it was great fun. I hope everyone saved us some surprise presets?!
We also use them a lot with our Digitone and Digitakt, using the MIDI out. Here’s one, with some extra Zekit from Fred’s Lab:
So yeah at one point we hope we can have a metal box made - but as you can imagine it adds complexity to the manufacturing. We will need a skilled metalperson to help us.
this zaps was very cool to play and perform with! Reminds me a lot of the dfam, just without sequencer. but with some very cool and performable features and of course preset and kind of sound trigs to speak in elektron language. puting this through the nutone distortation next to it made me smile
I think this is a sick machine, sounds awesome, modern and vintage at the same time. It can also interpolate between different waves. (like omnisphere) also serum wavetable, sounds like a dream maschine
I think this video really sums it up why Superbooth 2022 was soo special. For me it was because of meeting and chatting with so many nice people … or just dancing with @DaveMech to Richie Hawtin. But also talking with inventor of first digital sampler with pitch shifting, Klaus Fischer. Seeing Falko at Bitwig, talking to Juergen at Jomox, discovering the Zips, dancing my shoes off to Mark Verbos techno live set, seeing modular synth ensemble and talking with Gammon for ages, but also talking with Bureaumaschine about studing music technology in Vienna and ofcourse … listening to the pioneers Dave Smith, Tom Oberheim and Marcus Ryle …
Also played around with the Soma Pulsar 23 for the first time. It was an intense experience. Really love it. Only had 30 minutes or 45 or something with it and noticed the master overdrive a bit late sop it’s super crunchy. Which, after 10 minutes, just became part of the experience. Recorded two jams: