since this seems to be the de facto thread to discuss behringer, er…“issues” here’s something i was thinking about the other day
what percentage of their market do you think would not have bought moog (for example) anyway? what I mean by this is let’s say someone was thinking of getting a Moog minitaur or sirin or whatever, but they didn’t want to spend the money and considered it out of their price range. then the Behringer Model D comes along and hey, now they can have that sound for half the price.
similarly, how many people do you think would buy that Sirin/minitaur, they see Behringer, but they don’t care–they’re still buying that Moog.
i have a feeling that Behringer isn’t so much eating into old markets as they are carving out a new niche. I would even hazard to guess that new niche causes people to want the “real deal” so to speak. this is setting aside the super obvious stuff like…the kind of people who would pay $4000 for an actual Moog Model D are few and far between, and Behringer is doing synth enthusiasts a solid by making something like that more widely available. maybe a more apt comparison is the Mother 32 vs the Crave since I think they’re the exact same thing. but something tells me very, very few people think “Hey I’d like to buy the Moog! Oh wait, Behringer has it cheaper? I’ll just go Behringer”