I think the statements above that B is making low-quality knock-offs is a little misleading.
Sure, B is NOT Sequential. B is NOT Oberheim. B is not Moog or Roland or whatever. (in Roland’s case, that might actually be a good thing
HOWEVER, of the few of their new synths that I’ve owned, they’ve been quite well made, well thought out, and in some cases equal or even superior to the originals in some ways. Other than a few firmware issues (that they’re currently actually working on) I found the RD-8 to be better than an 808 in just about every way.
The Model D is built like the proverbial tank. It uses the same parts as most other modern analog synths as well, and using similar if not identical manufacturing practices. I’ve had it apart, and didn’t see anything that I would flag as incorrect. Sure a REAL MiniMoog is going to have some higher quality potentiometers, a real (and nice) key-bed, and have a few other quality trade-offs being a “mostly-boutique” item. That said, there was nothing about the B “D” that I would complain about for the money. It’s as good as any other Euro product more or less.
The TD-3 is a piece of plastic…
…just like the original 303.
and… it’s great! It’s not 100% the original, but it’s damned close.
Anyway, the boutiques and high end are still just as boutique and high-end as they were pre-B. They’re every bit as desirable, and if money isn’t as much of an object to a given person, they’re going to choose those every time over B. It’s nice to have B in the cases where one doesn’t have that kind of money though, and even to fill in a few gaps if one does.
As a semi-boutique custom synth builder who considers himself in the higher end of things, I can’t see anything wrong with the big-B doing the big-B things. At least the way they have so far on the synth side.
On the recording-gear side… well, they’re going to be fighting their image in that arena until the end of time probably…
People still buy a Ferrari when a Volkswagen will get them to the same places… Silly analogy, but it’s true. Both have their place.
And one last little anecdote. I LOVE quality products. I think Dave Smith is absolutely amazing, and I’ve owned, and enjoyed his products. (and plan to buy more when time and money allow) I love Moog too, but if I’m going to spend this type of money on a synth, I’m going for Sequential before I’d buy a Moog. (for a lot of reasons though quality is generally similar IMO) While I had my Rev2 (which I plan to again actually) it was nice to be able to pick up the B Model D to fill in a gap that I wasn’t going to fill with a real Model D.