The Digitakt Feature Request Thread

I am really so, so deeply sorry about this. At the time we were working on a sort of song mode alternative, but it fell flat and we ran out of time for the release - this is what happened, nothing else to it than that.

I hate making empty promises, and I really do not want to accidentally trick anyone- this is why I tend to be a bit vague and always say that I cannot promise a lot of things.

I think there is still a possibility for this though, but it’s all a question of when and how - there is a lot of other things to be done, but I think and hope that we can have some time and resources for updates soon.

Again, don’t take this as an ‘official’ confirmation of anything, but just know that I hear this clearly and recognize the issues/desires. (And agree with a lot of it! Lots of little things I would like to see added myself… There is never a lack of ideas, just time.)